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Everything posted by James

  1. "Now let me tell you all about that night in Barcelona where I jumped around in a Manyoo shirt pretending to win the Champions League"
  2. Show me where I am wrong. You're the one saying one thing proves another, not me. Lets say you were my boss, and I said I wasn't coming in to work one day because I refused to travel. You would sack me for refusing to work. Same thing here. Not if I'd already told you you weren't needed that day, you moron. Look: We know he refused to travel. We don't know whether he was selected to play. We know Hughton says he wasn't selected to play. Those are the facts. You're the one assuming that means he refused to play. All I'm saying is you can't say that as fact. Fair enough. Still it shows that he was in a huff and disobeying club command.
  3. Show me where I am wrong. You're the one saying one thing proves another, not me. Lets say you were my boss, and I said I wasn't coming in to work one day because I refused to travel. You would sack me for refusing to work. Same thing here.
  4. James


    It never worked last season so in theory why would it now? Because the likes of Guthrie, Barton, Enrique, Duff, Shola, Taylor and Harper will suddenly become the best players in the division.
  5. The fact that he is refusing to play until he is sold? Making shit up again I see. He was fined for refusing to travel. Apologise please.
  6. James


    I think people are going to be pleasantly suprised at how shit pre-season players suddenly look good in this division when Shearer walks in.
  7. James


    Basically the issues of our playing personnel are no longer the same as when we are in the Premier League. Things like a back-up left back are too luxurious for a Championship club.
  8. James


    We don't need a left back if we keep Enrique. In the current situation (ie assuming Beye and Bassong are out of here), I think we need one striker who is proven at this level, a no nonsense CB, and a right winger. Then for each other player that leaves, we'll need a like for like replacement. What happens if Enrique gets injured ? Ryan Taylor has spent many years in that position, and Shane Ferguson is ready for a small role too in my opinion. Not to mention that Kadar and Tozer can play there too.
  9. The fact that he is refusing to play until he is sold?
  10. James


    We don't need a left back if we keep Enrique. In the current situation (ie assuming Beye and Bassong are out of here), I think we need one striker who is proven at this level, a no nonsense CB, and a right winger. Then for each other player that leaves, we'll need a like for like replacement.
  11. James

    RIP sale thread.

    There is a press conference, but it is Hughton talking about WBA.
  12. James

    RIP sale thread.

    They better make the most of it.
  13. Be honest here, just because you don't like something Ashley/Shepherd has done, doesn't mean you wouldn't do it if you had the power. 1) How much money would you need to have in the bank before you were willing to buy the club in the first place? (assume club can be purchased for £100m) I think I'd need £500m, £50m of which is kept in my own bank account and never goes near NUFC. 2) Who do you appoint as manager? I'd talk to the players first, talk to them about their thoughts on last season and suchlike, if I sense good respect for Shearer, that will get the all clear from me. 3) Do you take a hands on approach with the clubs operations, or do you appoint a chief executive? I'd find a chief executive, but he wouldn't have any say on any footballing matters whatsoever. 4) Do you appoint a director of football? Yes, but his job description will be very specific and binding. The manager shall have the right to pick an assistant manager and spend the majority of the transfer budget as he chooses. The director of football shall be given his own smaller transfer budget which can only be spent on players U21, and make the employment decisions on every single coach and scout bar the assistant and the manager. He'll also be expected to advise the manager and scout any player the manager tells him to. 5) How much money per season on transfers? First season, £20m plus sales for the manager, £10m for the DOF. After promotion, it will vary year by year, but I'd say an initial £50m and decreasing over time, with the DOF given 6) Who controls how transfer budget is spent? The annual transfer budgets can go into accounts that only the manager can have access too. Similarly for the DOFs transfer budget. The hope would be that if one needs more and one needs less they'd be able to cooperate and transfer the money from one account to the other. The manager might also be able to persuade me to provide a top-up, but only for a player that met my approval. 7) Do losses (excluding transfer fees) come out of the transfer budget or out of your wallet? To start with out of my wallet, but when I get down to my last £100m its going to have to come out of the transfer budget too. 8) What is your overall business plan? Find youngsters, buy them cheap, flog them for more and find someone better. Ultimately invest in a good mix of youth and experience, but keep the team fresh and full of talent. Sell the club when the money starts to run out, leave on a high with the club in a much better state than as found. 9) Would you ever intervene on any issue? Where do you draw the line on intervention? Not on a day to day basis, but I'd be questioning managers decisions in private, make him accountable for his actions. Also say things like: you've got a £20m transfer budget, unless you want to sign Messi, in which case you've got £70m 10) Where do you sit on match days? Directors box. 11) Would you maintain a high or low-profile? High profile. I want all the love and attention. 12) How do you respond to the press? On the first day, I have Louise Taylor and everyone else who has given us supporters incredible shit over the years forcibly removed from the stadium, and their employers told that if they want to come back, bring someone else. After that, be cordial, but give George Caulkin the exclusives, but try to leave transfer stuff u to the managers discretion. 13) How would you make future managerial decisions? I'd like to get the board involved, but essentially if the club is in danger, or fails to meet a target two days in a row, or the board vote no confidence, he's gone. 14) Would there be fan representation on the board? My board would be quite interesting. Yes there will be fans on the board, but not NUSC. Season ticket holders can apply to lead an Official Supporters Club, and Supporters club Members get to vote every year or so, and the two highest voted for can get on the board. They would be accompanied by myself, the chief executive, the DOF, the manager, and the longest serving player. 15) Anything else you'd do? Name the academy the Sir Bobby Robson academy. Also put a large framed photo of Sir Bobby opposite the managers desk, and insist it stays there. Also get some massive banners done up, get the stewards to give them out and collect them back again each game.
  14. Be honest here, just because you don't like something Ashley/Shepherd has done, doesn't mean you wouldn't do it if you had the power. 1) How much money would you need to have in the bank before you were willing to buy the club in the first place? (assume club can be purchased for £100m) 2) Who do you appoint as manager? 3) Do you take a hands on approach with the clubs operations, or do you appoint a chief executive? 4) Do you appoint a director of football? 5) How much money per season on transfers? 6) Who controls how transfer budget is spent? 7) Do losses (excluding transfer fees) come out of the transfer budget or out of your wallet? 8) What is your overall business plan? 9) Would you ever intervene on any issue? Where do you draw the line on intervention? 10) Where do you sit on match days? 11) Would you maintain a high or low-profile? 12) How do you respond to the press? 13) How would you make future managerial decisions? 14) Would there be fan representation on the board? 15) Anything else you'd do?
  15. James

    RIP sale thread.

    I agree, sort out the manager and make a few changes to the playing personnel, and we are in a much better position, but the club has to be run well. If he turns out to be a bad chairman, it could turn into a disaster over the next two or three years, after the initial boost. Basically, we are praying for a business model equivalent to the Sunderland one.
  16. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Have you even read the story? We don't know if there is a consortium involved yet, or the extent to which they are providing the backing. Fucking hell... didn't you buy the Iranian Manboob story hook, line and sinker? ... now the Chronicle and The Times have a story, supposedly leaked from SP, with a bit of logic to it... NOW is the time you choose to be sceptical. James & logic? You having a laugh? To be honest this is completely different. There is no details thus far as to how much money any of these people actually have, these people could be absolute paupers compared to Mike Ashley for instance, so can't really get our hopes ups that things are going to get fixed. Manboob didn't even fucking exist! Has not been proven one way or the other.
  17. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Have you even read the story? We don't know if there is a consortium involved yet, or the extent to which they are providing the backing. Fucking hell... didn't you buy the Iranian Manboob story hook, line and sinker? ... now the Chronicle and The Times have a story, supposedly leaked from SP, with a bit of logic to it... NOW is the time you choose to be sceptical. James & logic? You having a laugh? To be honest this is completely different. There is no details thus far as to how much money any of these people actually have, these people could be absolute paupers compared to Mike Ashley for instance, so can't really get our hopes ups that things are going to get fixed.
  18. James

    RIP sale thread.

    I wasn't using it to justify any point I was making, more that it was the only place you can find him quoted talking about NUFC.
  19. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Ashley's "business model"!? Any credibility you had ended there. His long term business model was always buy them cheap, give them a platform then flog them off to a better team. He might be around to do that for Bassong, but didn't stick around long enough to carry out the rest of his business model as bad decisions put him in a bad situation.
  20. James

    RIP sale thread.

    NEWCASTLE United's determination to capture the next generation of Alan Shearers - and look after its young fans - has been given a major endorsement by the club's corporate supporters. Leading local businessman Barry Moat is so impressed with owner Mike Ashley's blueprint for the future that he has already committed to renewing his executive box at St. James' Park for a further five years. United will reap increased revenues from executive boxes and corporate hospitality packages sold in two and five-year packages from the 2008/09 season onwards. And the Club will use the extra finance to further develop its Academy infrastructure and take every step to ensure the best local youngsters aren't missed, so avoiding past mistakes when talent such as Alan Shearer and Michael Carrick were missed. The monies generated from corporate sales will help the Club expand the Family Enclosure at St. James' Park to almost treble its previous size. The new Family Enclosure - where season ticket prices have been cut by £50 to just £300 for adults and by £30 to only £100 for children - will be situated on Level 7 of the Milburn Stand. Those corporate fans like Mr Moat who have renewed for 2008/09 will have their names added to a new Family Enclosure 'Roll of Honour' to acknowledge the support they have given the Club. Mr Moat said: "As a lifelong Newcastle United fan I am delighted to support the Club's new initiatives of investing in the Academy and enabling more young fans in the region to see their heroes play. "Hopefully some of those young fans will be the heroes of tomorrow. "It's vital for a club like Newcastle United to make sure it recruits the best young footballers at an early age and encourages them to develop their full potential. "Knowing that I can help the Academy as well as projects like the increased Family Enclosure is a huge incentive to continue backing the Club and I hope others will feel the same." United vice-chairman Derek Llambias added: "It's fantastic that people like Barry have shown their backing for the direction the Club is taking by signing a five-year corporate contract. "Newcastle United is eager to develop the stars of the future in the north east and, just as importantly, keep St. James' Park open to the young fans too."
  21. James

    RIP sale thread.

    Have you even read the story? We don't know if there is a consortium involved yet, or the extent to which they are providing the backing.
  22. James

    RIP sale thread.

    I don't think Moat is overly wealthy, I'd presume his brother will also be involved, but that would probably be the Bruce Shepherd equivalent. Not sure he's got the money and that the club will probably have to remain on the business model that Ashley had us on, only without the managerial chaos and DOFs and all that. He's going to need to know what he's doing and how to make the club a success. Otherwise we have a Southampton situation where he haemorrages money and get held to ransom by a Rupert Lowe (Freddy Shepherd), sells up only for Shepherd unable to do any better.
  23. Perhaps Barry Moat has an extreme hatred of Joe Kinnear, so Ashley woke up this morning and thought to himself: "now how am I going to get that extra £2m off that fucker?" *phone rings* "Hello is that Dreadlock Lambasier?" "No it is Mike Ashley you demented fool. Anyway good thing you phoned me I needed to phone you to offer you a new contract. Two years, starting in December" "Will I be allowed to sell Insomnia and buy Colleen Nolan?" "Yes. Deal?" "Yes. Bye"
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