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Everything posted by James

  1. aye, smashing. Never mind that the team is in the shite though, 150k last December FFS (and no, that does not stand for Fat Freddy Shepherd) Hardly going to make a difference given Ashley's wealth and business interests. Charity FFS. the point is that I don't really care if the chairman/owner is a "good bloke" or not, I just want them to back their managers and run good football teams. Who says both can't happen? As Ashley is unlikely to make a profit from NUFC in the foreseeable future (haven't noticed any undeserved dividends recently), its probably just as well that he is portrayed as having a generous nature. Who is better, Aston Villa's Randy Lerner, or Freddy Shepherd? get the football club sorted out first then, before trying to show he's a "good bloke" or embarking on poxy PR gimmicks like buying people beer in pubs. I'm not interested in Randy Lerner. We qualified for europe more than anybody but 4 during the time the Halls and Shepherd ran the club which should suggest to anyone with any sort of logical brain that it makes them a damn sight better than the vast majority of their competition. We are in a relegation fight, and they should have tried to prevent it in January. For the record, he donated to Sport Relief before Allardyce was sacked. We were in a relegation fight before we sacked Allardyce due to our oncoming fixtures. He tried to do something in January by pushing the boat out to Keegan. He even attempted to back the manager in the transfer market, only a mixture of player preference (Woodgate) and Keegan's personal choices prevented this. You should care about Lerner, as he's currently showing chairmen at other clubs how it should be done. It took him time (over a year) to make results on the pitch happen. Perhaps we should give our new board time.
  2. aye, smashing. Never mind that the team is in the shite though, 150k last December FFS (and no, that does not stand for Fat Freddy Shepherd) Hardly going to make a difference given Ashley's wealth and business interests. Charity FFS. the point is that I don't really care if the chairman/owner is a "good bloke" or not, I just want them to back their managers and run good football teams. Who says both can't happen? As Ashley is unlikely to make a profit from NUFC in the foreseeable future (haven't noticed any undeserved dividends recently), its probably just as well that he is portrayed as having a generous nature. Who is better, Aston Villa's Randy Lerner, or Freddy Shepherd?
  3. James


    Nice edit by whichever mod changed the thread title, for this thread truely is.
  4. James


    You are heartless woman. Why have you not updated your sig yet. Alan Smith still rated as 5, are you not watching the games? Everyone has been poor, but you've got to take fixture difficulty into account. All resumes on Monday night.
  5. mackems.gif best I heard for years. Then how can you the complain at Ashley?... laughable that you don't understand the meaning of the word complacency, nor the value of backing managers, I'm also pleased for you that you think staring relegation in the face and as soon as the fat bastard and his mate have left the club, heading back to where they found us, is an improvement. It's all spin with you, you can take one particular set of facts and twist it in a positive or negative manner depending on whoever is being talked about.
  6. aye, smashing. Never mind that the team is in the shite though, 150k last December FFS (and no, that does not stand for Fat Freddy Shepherd) Hardly going to make a difference given Ashley's wealth and business interests. Charity FFS.
  7. James

    Frank Lampard

    Lampard is only good in certain teams built around his strengths. We could pay £5 million for Lampard, but it would cost another £50-100m to build a team that he could look remotely good in.
  8. James


    You are heartless woman.
  9. Scott Sinclair. I reckon he's someone we could get regardless of whether we go up or down, as long as we are willing to pay for him. Chelsea seem possessive of their young players, but lets face it - a manager would never dare pick him for as long as he has several proven strikers at his disposal. He's a bit like Dyer, but with more end product - something we need. At 16 he was one of the best players in the Championship, and his general play is already better than Obafemi Martins.
  10. James

    Frank Lampard

    The only thing that I can think of in favour of this is that Mike Ashley is a good friend of the Redknapp Dynasty.
  11. Really? Why is that? I just don't understand it. I mean, surely we're all following the same cause? Well before forums became popular, it was very much a case of 'their way or the highway' when it came to independent internet coverage of events at SJP. This place isn't independent though is it? Mort has N-O in his pocket blowing cool air over his ball sack. I'm fairly sure I'm going to get whooshed here, but what the hell is that meant to mean? I think he's saying that he reckons the Board have an influence over the editorial policy of this website. I'm unsure about the whooshedness of that statement myself though. wow, i'm intruiged by this, i really really am...how can i make that sound not sarcastic? the strength of happy face's comment tells me he knows something mind blowing It's all common knowledge. Mort contacted every single major Newcastle website or fanzine, and met with representatives from all, including us, .com, True Faith over tea and biscuits, listened to some comments on general operational questions such as questions about the Box Office, ticket allocations, and then took email addresses so that club representatives can ask questions as and when they have them. They've contacted us twice since to ask about ticket allocations away at Chelsea and Brum. Nothing sinister.
  12. Really? Why is that? I just don't understand it. I mean, surely we're all following the same cause? Well before forums became popular, it was very much a case of 'their way or the highway' when it came to independent internet coverage of events at SJP. This place isn't independent though is it? Mort has N-O in his pocket blowing cool air over his ball sack. I'm fairly sure I'm going to get whooshed here, but what the hell is that meant to mean? I think he's saying that he reckons the Board have an influence over the editorial policy of this website. I'm unsure about the whooshedness of that statement myself though.
  13. Really? Why is that? I just don't understand it. I mean, surely we're all following the same cause? Well before forums became popular, it was very much a case of 'their way or the highway' when it came to independent internet coverage of events at SJP.
  14. When they say "stop writing shite on message boards" the context has clearly been misunderstood on here. They clearly mean "stop writing 'shite' on message boards" - clearly a message aimed at Northern Monkey.
  15. Hmm Louise Redknapp had Mike Ashley's phone number last December.....
  16. Going to be a children's hospice. Fair play to Lerner - a chairman with class.
  17. I think we were the first, but not the last.
  18. Examples of big goals could be Shearer vs Portsmouth, Bellamy vs Feyenoord, Shearer vs Inter, Liam O'Brien vs Sunderland, Moncur vs Ujpest Doza, Albert vs Manchester United David Kelly vs Portsmouth, and even Bramble vs Chelsea could be considered big in that it got us into Europe (although definitely not the biggest).
  19. Inspired by the Inter game thread, it has often been discussed as to what the best ever Newcastle goal is, but what about the biggest? Several things can make a goal big - it could affect the fortunes of a club, it could be scored on a big occassion with the world watching, it could be a personal landmark for a great player. So what is the Biggest Newcastle goal of all time and why? I'll turn this thread into a poll tommorrow after people have had a chance to make suggestions.
  20. even if he says the right things you'd say "all talk,just words, he needs to do it on the pitch" quite bitter about him aren't you ? Bitter? No. Pissed off that he has been a waste of £17 million and £100 grand each week to every one of us who puts their hand in their pocket to support Newcastle United, and who are at this minute feeling s*** scared that we could go down? Yes. I couldn't give a flying whatsit whether Michael Owen plays for England ever again, but I do care that he seems to not be able to motivate the team that he is captain of, and that he has looked completely diinterested in this club since his comeback at Reading last year. I have to say I've been quite impressed by his conduct since he became captain. I'm not saying he's the best captain out there, but I think he's showing that he does care at the minute. Not being sarcastic(as I realise that this might come across this way) but how? I watch the bloke and he looks like he would rather be anywhere else than playing for us most weeks. I think you, and many, only see that because it's what you're looking for. Big money paid, high wages, huge name, bigger than the club really - it seems to be what people want to see. I remember watching him all game coming back trying to get the ball and make something happen, come on here and people are complaining he was standing up doing nothing, when i knew for a fact that was complete rubbish. People here want him to fail. Bullshit, I would love to see Owen get in there are score goals, but I have seen him play, home and away, and he is not capable of providing what we need, which is goals. He neither scores them regularly or makes assists, and as an attacking forward player that is what he should be doing. Can't say I can think of many players who have scored or created more than Owen this season.
  21. The midfield, and Bellamy defending from the front (or was Bellamy suspended for that one?)
  22. Have you even read that article, or just the title? Only if you had read it, he clearly says that you only play for England if you play well for your club.
  23. I'd agree that the semi has increased our chances of getting the points there, but Birmingham could also find a Lord Mayor's show there on Wednesday night, Wigan might turn out against Nugent, and other games in which our rivals feature vs Portsmouth may have a friendly atmosphere against a Pompey side with increased fixture congestion.
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