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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Pardew, James Perch, our work-rate and team unity, our scouting & backroom setup iverpool's demise, the manner in which city won the title, joey barton could actually fall further to rock bottom...
  2. Sammy watching with other people and therefore has more than 1 laptop shocker
  3. Poor stuff. He apologized. It's over.
  4. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    I said 7th in pre-season and thought I was crazy for thinking it. Any better and I was chuffed. We have Europa, 5th place - higher than Chelsea and Liverpool and a season of brilliant memories. Proud, happy, and now sad that I've got to wait a long time for it to kick start again.
  5. Healthy pre-season and we've got ourselves a tidy little player. Liked the look of him
  6. 1 Billion bought the title. But fuck me that was some incredible stuff. Glad I saw it unfold on the TV
  7. Great season, tough loss but we know where we need to improve more so than ever with these losses we've had
  8. This commentary crew on Fox Soccer are just fucking terrible.
  9. Sideshow Bob (everton's) playing like hes never played before. of course.
  10. Come on lads put 2 + 2 together, the hoofing doesn't work. even simple passes high in the air...the wind is picking everything up. so stop it.
  11. I doubt that there's a team in the league that doesn't have both their centre halves go up for set pieces. I think the point trying to be made is that we send both up and they both are not really effective at all. So the solution being to find a centrehalf with a presence in the air and able to score goals from those positions.
  12. Man Utd home looks good when put all together. Actually think the Liverpool kit is quite nice when all together as well. Could double as a polo though
  13. Kanji

    NUFC Kits

    Orange away kit has to be the best away kit in recent times. Our home kit def. grew on me from the original leak tbh. It looked all shiny and strange.
  14. I'm excited and happy with the way things are, don't really care if I sound over-the-top. We're pushing for Champions League football and we finally aren't the brunt of every fucking joke out there.
  15. I love the man. He's such a smooth talker, so likeable and smart. He's brilliant in the things he says, and he doesn't just talk shit for the sake of it. He's realistic as well, and people (like me) enjoy his honesty, even sometimes brutally honest. I wish I could get to know the man, I think he'd be one fucking top block to be friends with.
  16. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    He's been nothing short of brilliant over the course of this season. From all levels that have been been much talked about, publicized and so on. Fucking Brilliant. I remember my initial feelings of uneasiness when he was appointed and I deferred to many posters opinions on him as I had no real read on the man. I was a little uneasy about that rough patch we had, but reading between the lines you could see there was something positive about everything he was trying to achieve. My favorite part is that we'd all be moaning about certain decisions, and rightly so - but he was able to LEARN from his mistakes and we adapted, each time. He has a vision for this club, and if we can hold on to our spine in the team and continue to build - I have no doubt he can achieve something truly great here at our club. Fully deserved award gaffer, bring on Sunday now.
  17. 1- Cisse (2) v Chelsea 2 - Ben Arfa v Bolton 3 - Ben Arfa v Blackburn 4 - Cisse v Swansea (2) 5 - Ba v Man Utd 6 - Cabaye v Man Utd 7 - Raylor v Everton 8 - Raylor v Mackems 9 - Cisse v Stoke 10 - Jonas v Wolves (home)
  18. If Best goes then hopefully the powers that be will have identified a striker to be our main guy up top during ACN. But not bothered really, even though I really do like Leon, I have full faith in recruitment at our club
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