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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. I'm just happy to see he wants to stay. I'll let a full preseason with Cisse, the coaching staff and my trust in Pards to get the formation right, whatever it may be.
  2. FFS. This statement in any thread cracks me the hell up.
  3. Kanji

    Leon Best

    Sorry to see him go, he probably was unlucky not to score a few more before he went down with his injury, just loved some of his goals and how he would surprise us with a quick flick or 2 to open himself up for a shot and/or score. I always thought highly of him and will never forget that hat-trick in the first year back at home, he was just brilliant that night. Great fee given his injury record and I will root for him, hopefully see him destroy the Championship and if Blackburn come back up, then great for us as we'll get a little bit more money.
  4. If we offered something like 10M and it was rejected then thats fine by me. I trust Dekka and Carr to not overpay and continue our meticulous transfer policy.
  5. This would be class to see on a popular video site.
  6. Ba v Man Utd this past season was a brilliant volley
  7. Lads, thanks for keeping a good discussion up of the youth & future, excellent insight and opinions.
  8. Anyone with better knowledge of hte younger English players consider doing a first 11 and 5-8 players outside of that that are young and actually have something to them? Ie your Wilshire, McEch, etc? Ive seen a few around here but maybe your "long-term" Starting 11 of players who actually are quite brilliant and bring something to their game?
  9. Be very upset if he goes, but I'd rather it be to a Gala or Fener over a team in the league as I'd hate to have to line up against him each season. As long as he is replaced with the right character, quality and potential player for our team then I'll feel better about it. If the De Jong rumors are true, someone of his age, potential, and versatility would be extremely favorable to our cause.
  10. My 4-2-4 from Fifa 98 is back. Cabaye-Tiote HBA-Ba-Cisse-DeJong
  11. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The greatest Giggs of all time.
  12. Club Brugge had the same kit as us in 02-04 I believe. Crazy it's nearly come full circle.
  13. Why do the s*** teams always get good looking kits and we don't? How on earth does it make sense to give Club Brugge and Botofogo beautiful and well designed kits and us something with spikes on it?! Bc maybe the club fancied it in their own crazy minds?
  14. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Then we can tie up that Debuchy deal and move on to the other targets
  15. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    True, but if they actually performed as a team and not as individuals he would perform a lot better.....Dropping Nasri i understand because there are better players and he's an overrated ego-maniac but Ribery is one of Frances best players if not their best. It would be like us dropping Rooney if he were to perform poorly..... See thats where I don't agree about Ribery, my opinion is that he has all the tools and 0 end product - he also seems to be shit working for the team. But not worthy getting into a discussion over the misfortunes of the French starting lineup But i see what you are saying though mate
  16. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I get it - but Iniesta has actually performed brilliantly - Ribery hasn't really lit the f***ing tournament up has he?
  17. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Drop Nasri and Ribery. Giroud up top as the target man, Benzema and Ben Arfa or Menez given attacking license to move around and create chances from the wings or interior if they drift in. Cabaye playing in front of Diarra and M'Villa who protect that shaky back 4. Debuchy and Clichy bombing forward when possible to create the width. That's the only way I see them looking threatening. Menez for whatever he is, actually gets in scoring opportunities and can finish somewhat, as well as he doesn't hog the ball. Benzema will be allowed to roam a bit and Giroud up top to actually be in the box like a stirker should. If you want to spell Ben Arfa over Menez then youll have someone who is good at carrying the ball, crossing and causing problems from either flank.
  18. Seen Best skin defenders with some brillliant turns and touches that he has either scored from or set up another chance or goal. Will miss him greatly if he goes. Issue with him is his fitness levels - he seems to get a massive knock every damn season.
  19. Kanji

    James Troisi

    Juventus? What the....
  20. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Never liked him anyway that Nasri
  21. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Nasri said remain polite?
  22. So basically we could use a defender with a bit of pace......like we've been saying all along
  23. Beren's 4-4-2 would be my favorite to be honest. I actually think Nasri's arrogance coupled with Ribery's no-end product is their major problem. Benzema, Ribery and Nasri have minds of their own and 0 ability to work together its disgusting. The one friendly I did see was Benzema and HBA on a different level of understanding, it looked brilliant. Cabaye is the the first name on the teamsheet for me, no mistake the 1 game he sits they lose. So much talent yet 0 tactical togetherness in that setup, its shocking.
  24. Dawning upon me that whoever said Giroud should be starting up top was 100% right. France need a true striker to play up top with a target. Benzema is miles from the box at times its crazy. ------Diarra/M'Vila------ Nasri - Cabaye - Ribery -------Benzema------- --------Giroud-------- As much as I would love Ben Arfa to start he's just not working that system. I think Blanc was on to something in one of hte friendlies having Ben Arfa from the start, but he looks rusty again...strange
  25. Precisely. Cisse was a start, De Jong would confirm that Ashley is ready to return to his original blueprint - or whatever you want to call it. This summer's make or break because if we don't maintain the quality of the squad, we'll slip away again and last season will have been a flash in the pan. We need to build; that doesn't change just because we've already got a couple of excellent strikers on our books. There's also the small matter of a very winnable European tournament. I hope this is true!
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