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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. It didn't say trophyless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVWX7VUg5ng I stand corrected...still a bunch of Len Fairclough c***s though. len fairclough......that'll need explaining to the kiddietwinkies on here. I'll wager that's not the first time the words Len,Fairclough and kiddytwinkies have been in the same sentence. that same sentence would also contain the words "pool, out, everybody, the" was cleared of the charges though, right?
  2. relieved w/ a point. but honestly if we'd play with ANY urgency for more than the last 10 mins where we need a goal to draw, we'd be having this league for breakfast!
  3. My favorite away kit and one that I still wear all the time, but although that design is mint, I feel like it shouldn't be copied. i like that the stripes on the body of the shirt are vertical & the stripes on the sleeves are 'hoops'. i'd be interested to see that arrangement in black & white. not sure how it'd look in long sleeve though... Eh? whoops! got ahead of myself there like. i meant i'd like to see a shirt with sleeves in this 'hoop' styl but the body of the shirt w/ vertical stripes.
  4. My favorite away kit and one that I still wear all the time, but although that design is mint, I feel like it shouldn't be copied. i like that the stripes on the body of the shirt are vertical & the stripes on the sleeves are 'hoops'. i'd be interested to see that arrangement in black & white. not sure how it'd look in long sleeve though...
  5. is that a garroting wire emre's got there?
  6. the keeper is sweeping with his leg at Lovencrayons. penalty was the right call, imo
  7. i missed the news on routledge. what's wrong with him?
  8. agreed. do something about the diving before you tamper w/ scrapping the offsides rule. imo, the modern game of fottball has (d)evolved past the effectiveness of the gentlemen's rules of association football. now that there's big money at stake, fair play has gone out the window--just ask thierry henry. something needs done about the yellow/red card system first. Maybe it is just me, but I would never change the yellow and red card system. Love it or hate it, that is football, imo. Same with offsides. it'd be fine if refs wouldn't bottle the calls
  9. agreed. do something about the diving before you tamper w/ scrapping the offsides rule. imo, the modern game of fottball has (d)evolved past the effectiveness of the gentlemen's rules of association football. now that there's big money at stake, fair play has gone out the window--just ask thierry henry. something needs done about the yellow/red card system first.
  10. so angry to be so happy with a mere point. we should be drubbing teams like this. yes, swansea have been hard done by, but we didn't even get out of 1st second gear in terms of effort until they scored. furious!
  11. bulivye

    Female Referee

    pics or it didn't happen!
  12. funny b/c this is what i 1st thought of & then corrected myself.
  13. Maybe as far as winning anything, but the've never even been close (so no tragic failure... just failure) - also the Cubs are the affluent and very white northern-suburban demographic of Chicago which is also a two team town... the demographics kill the compason for me. That said I can't think of any other baseball team that would be a better fit... but I've never been a fan. http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_many_times_have_the_chicago_cubs_won_a_championship http://www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nl/chicubs/cubs.html if you don't think there's an element of tragedy to the Cubs, i have to ask if you know even one fan (i'm not btw). the sense of eternal optimism & yet 'oh well' resignation of being a Cubs fan is so great it comedic. see a play called the bleacher bums for an example. i think it's a fair comparison.
  14. An "o" too many there Tim. he was a canny player though...
  15. Made me “this will teach ye, ye cheating French bastards,”!!!
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