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Everything posted by bulivye

  1. i know that, silly. i was just creating a scenario where it would be possible for NUFC to be publicly owned. i wonder if it's allowed/possible?
  2. would it be possible/allowed for NUFC to be publicly owned? i mean, if i had won the 1.5 billion dollar lottery a few weeks back & then bought NUFC from ashley (assuming he'd sell) could i then sell shares of stock in NUFC to the general public? or however it would work... does the premiere league allow it?
  3. would it be interesting to see what kind of a side we might come up with if we took every team's premiership table position & the corresponding player from that team who plays that position? for example, as of today in a 4-4-2 we'd have in goal #1 Schmeichel from Leicester city; #2 left back from Spurs; #3 ctr back from Arsenal, etc... might be a pleasant distraction from our mgr troubles!
  4. bulivye

    Steve McClaren

    what bugs me most is that Mike Ashley could, at any time, save the whole thing & be a hero by just making some very simple albeit expensive decisions. or have i got it hopelessly wrong/naive?
  5. i actually thought i saw him sprint to cover back on defence today
  6. ahh... i couldn't really tell--was sat watching on a laptop with terrible lag. i thought Olafson got him with a knee
  7. ta! so a field player could easily be swapped into goal for a PK shootout after full time then
  8. was it mitro whom olafson cussed out after fouling him?
  9. can any player on the pitch at the time, play goalkeeper if they switch jerseys? that probably reads awkwardly, but what i really mean is, does it have to be the designated goalkeeper between the sticks for a penalty kick?
  10. bulivye

    Steve McClaren

    I'm staying out of this, mate. you know what i mean!
  11. bulivye

    Steve McClaren

    why doesn't McLaren start to call players out--just absolutely lose his shit about the various poor performances? shame the hiders & the bottlers into a decent performance. maybe not the way forward under normal circumstances, but if we're going down then go down in a beautiful flaming spiral of fireworks & profanity! show some of that 'pashun' we all admire so much! Howay, Schteve call the bastards out! name names of who's been a chickenshit coward, etc... ugh. :'(
  12. hope he confuses his 'need to fart' & 'need to shit' impulses every single time for the remainder of his days.
  13. flashy kernt with his sleeved canada goose loving the Blackhawks cap, though!
  14. oh, i know it's not just me, and i really feel for lifelong ST holders who are really being put in a bind. just wish MA would simply get bored of this now & bail.
  15. Dear Mr. Ashley, let's all have a happier new year by you losing NUFC in a mad bet over how many pies you can fit inside your body at one sitting.
  16. i just wondered about what happens because i'm starting to feel like a codependent/abused spouse that feels like the only way out of this relationship is for HIM to die!
  17. Llambias comes back. yikes. so, it wouldn't go to his wife or kid or some such? Kill them all.
  18. Llambias comes back. yikes. so, it wouldn't go to his wife or kid or some such?
  19. what would happen to NUFC legally if Ashley died suddenly, would it be considered part of an inheritance or summat?
  20. Same game Jack Colback made cynical fouls and pushed players over? but Colback 'plays' for us.
  21. looked a clear penalty to me. defender had him wrapped up around the waist NFL stylee!
  22. just frustrated to the point of irrationality, me.
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