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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Don't think Hughton will change anything bar perhaps dropping Nolan for Barton, personally I'd like to see Krul and Ranger start with Kadar coming on at the first sight of a wobble from Collo.
  2. Someone listens to Talk Sport and reads too much Louise Taylor. The only people who spout that s**** are the lazy journos who don't have a clue about the area. I think that's his point entirely. He's not saying that's what he thinks himself he's saying that's what other people think and it's for exactly the reasons you've identified. Thank you Indi, that is exactly my point. The press in the UK have so much power, as Napoleon said "I fear the newspapers more than a thousand bayonets." This is a perfect example of the power of the press and the sponge-like lazy readers. Back in the day when Keegan had the team playing flowing, attacking football we were everyone's favourite second club, the neutral loved to watch us and Sky dubbed us 'The Entertainers'. Purely because Sky termed us in such a fashion many more would have turned on to see what the deal was. Like everything else in this country, something/someone gets built up too high and it's time for jealousy and envy to kick in and some sections start to knock down the edifice they have built. Before you know it everything has come full circle and the object of previous adulation is now one of scorn and ridicule. The press do all that, others just read it and absorb. That's where the image of Newcastle United is now, not very popular. Not winning anything also contributed to the fall from grace, or accelerated it at least.
  3. That's what some said about Dyer too, but I'd have Dyer back over this guy tbh.
  4. With a better partner Carroll will. Carroll just needs a nippy twat (Ranger) up front as he wins 90% of the flick-on's he goes for.
  5. I've lost all patience with Shola like, don't begin to understand how he's still here after all these years. Gash.
  6. Shola should not get any more chances, bench for the rest of the season. And where was the logic in leaving him on as lone striker when he has trouble keeping hold of the ball at the best of times, Carroll a far more obvious choice surely. Smith MOM. Great second half from Krul. Diabolical final balls from Raylor and Enrique, they just shouldn't overlap as giving the ball away in the final third just gifts the opposition a counter 9 time out of 10. Want to see more of Ranger, he should definitely start ahead of Shola for me. Not too much wrong with Nolan provided he stays in the opposition half, he bottles it too much in our half. Collocini is never going to adjust imo, his bottles gone - if he ever had it to begin with. Don't agree with the assessment that WBA will be one of the strongest teams we'll face. No way to tell that yet. Point away from home was acceptable, but a different gameplan from caretaker could have seen all three points coming home with us.
  7. How deflated would all the players feel if he stays on now? They must be affected by all this and I would expect a lift in morale with new owners and a manager, he stays on as owner and I'd expect the reverse.
  8. They'll all have clubs by the time we have a manager.
  9. I really hope this 20m deposit story is just that, a story. Any new bidder coming forward now would have to prove they had every chance of repaying the other 80m over the next 2-3 years and that all adds more weeks to the process. Unless, perhaps, a bidder that has already pulled out comes back in to the game. The way I see it, anyone enticed in by a £20m deposit sale hasn't got the money to buy the club outright, so how can they buy players and pay back Ashley over the forthcoming seasons?
  10. http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/leisure/article708242.ece
  11. A pertinent question in these trying times.
  12. Iraq is current Asian champions. Well, you probably still got the point If thats about grammar, "is" is correct isnt it as your speak of Iraq as a single entity? Personally I think you can use either, Iraq as a collective would be 'are'. Let's see what Dave says.
  13. Just in case this is 100% legit and goes through can i just be the first to say I Iran and to all infidels. Insh'Allah
  14. Mr Logic

    Keegan or Shearer

    Has to be Hitzfeld.
  15. Compared to the previous madness where there were insane amounts of posts about speculations from next doors granny's budgie. Not sure which I prefer.
  16. I know it's all been said before, but right now when compared to Ashley - Shepherd looks like a godsend. (Even if he's not a tight rein he could truly destroy the club forever.)
  17. It'll be a tough game. Clarkie (and Black) will have them up for it whilst we'll probably be complacent. Could lose.
  18. Right, what, seriously? If Newcastle get any money, you are urging people not to buy it? Have you any clue, any clue at all how St james holdings finances work? 'Urge people not to buy it'. Fuck right off. Quick, someone do a 'Hitler video' - where the general says 'er mein Fuhrer, um, James says don't buy the balls!'
  19. Were you pissed when you decided to type that? Sustainable debt is fine, racking up debt until it is unmanagable debt is a terminal error.
  20. I don't need to answer in this thread because you said everything for me. Oh wait, wait, better get with the times... This!
  21. I wonder why publishers employ proof readers and editors. Please tell me you never made a spelling mistake in your life so I know you'll be safe from falling glass.
  22. Thinking about writing a book about Ashley's tenure, this last decision (that we're aware of) not to appoint a manager at the most important time in the club's recent history is right up there with Zaphod Beeblebrook's 'Top Ten Most Galacticall Stupid Ideas Ever'. Suggestions wanted for book title, winner recieves a signed copy to chuck in the bin.
  23. Not true. It could mean Al saw he wasn't up to the current task due to confidence or whatever, not that it meant he had no future. (Though he probably doesn't, he'll have to go somewhere else for that in all likliehood.)
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