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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Guy posting this on Twitter from SA states NUFC matches were never shown until the past week where we've been on 4 out 5 nights. Not sure about other teams.
  2. Today's game of the day in SA is us v Blackburn Rovers
  3. It won't but it just gives ammunition for others. to do what? press who disagree with it are going to write or say what they want anyway regardless of what any fans think. theres nothing wrong with a debate on it given the dubious morals of the major backer in this proposed takeover and its not like SA is going to be put off because of what some journalists say I agree with you that it wont make a difference in terms of the takeover and your right press will write what they want regardless but we dont need to go around giving them something to feed on. If this meeting was just amnesty and others who oppose it it would be reported as a meeting of opponents but fan groups attending allows a different slant to be taken. I'm sick of the media talking shit about us and just dont want to give them more opportunities to do that. I'll respecfully disagree completely. There will be a number of fans (hell just look on here) who are troubled by possibly being in any way associated with SA and I think its important for a robust debate where both sides get to say their piece considering the general awfulness that is twitter and the twats on there sticking SA flags on their twitter handles and abusing anyone who says the slightest thing negative about SA or the takeover. Fair enough, we'll disagree on this one.
  4. It won't but it just gives ammunition for others. to do what? press who disagree with it are going to write or say what they want anyway regardless of what any fans think. theres nothing wrong with a debate on it given the dubious morals of the major backer in this proposed takeover and its not like SA is going to be put off because of what some journalists say I agree with you that it wont make a difference in terms of the takeover and your right press will write what they want regardless but we dont need to go around giving them something to feed on. If this meeting was just amnesty and others who oppose it it would be reported as a meeting of opponents but fan groups attending allows a different slant to be taken. I'm sick of the media talking shit about us and just dont want to give them more opportunities to do that.
  5. Exactly what I said yesterday, those in favour shouldn't have attended and added legitimacy to it.
  6. Qataris using last nights Zoom meeting as propaganda to say fans are against the takeover.
  7. Yeah, us v Sampdoria is the game of the day. This is too much of a coincidence for them to be doing this as third game in four days. This is getting their public warmed up to us it can't be anything else. In such a controlled society someone is telling them to show these matches why else would our old pre season games be on?
  8. He also says he doesn’t expect our takeover to go through And before that he was laughing at the notion the Saudis would be interested in us. Doesn't exactly have his finger on the pulse of mid east affairs.
  9. Marseille' beaten semi final opponents get a bye to the final.
  10. Maybe the House of Saud wants to fuck up Qatari shit on two fronts with us in a more popular league and also on their own turf? An away trip to the South of France sounds good though.
  11. No they're gonna buy Marseille instead. Calm down folks it's just some other Saudi prince.
  12. And that would be a total demonstration of influencing another club surely?. If after this theoretical objection was raised if it was suggested a legal structure was set up at SU where a group of elected persons who he had no part in selecting made all footballing decisions almost a sort of Trust would be a work around. It could be sold as clubs working together to remove a non existent problem. Plus with a trust accusations of help to NUFC would be done away with.
  13. If the Sheffield United owner is the issue with MBS being the senior royal and PIF being part of the nations strategic assets wont he just be told to step aside?
  14. Not sure about those in favour of the takeover attending these events. Just brings more attention on the dissenting voices by legitamising the event by having pro takeover voices present and making it a debate. Rather let them shout into the abyss on their own and not shine a light on it.
  15. Think BeoutQ has been off the air since August 2019 from what I can gather. This is the Saudi national sports channel.
  16. More of our old games being televised in Saudi Arabia apparently.
  17. SAK

    Transfer rumours

    Do we really foresee a situation where half the squad is replaced in one window money not being an issue? Would be massive disruption to the squad with so many new recruits to bed in and gel and a risk of failure. Most likely the likes of Manquillo, M Longstaff, Darlow get 1-2 extensions, bring back Murphy from Wednesday to bulk of the squad, plus 4-5 new signings.
  18. SAK

    Transfer rumours

    No way I'd keep Carroll. He's a crock. Completely finished. Agreed, he's finished at the top level.
  19. SAK

    Transfer rumours

    Didn't realise including loans we've got 11 players leaving including 2nd and 3rd keepers unless extensions are made (most aren't worth an extension). We need to be very active in the next window. https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/newcastle-united/vertragsende/verein/762
  20. Get a link up with clubs in a decent league like Belgium, The Netherlands, and France. Sign up young players and farm them out like Chelsea and bring them into the team when developed or sell on for profit is a better model I believe. Owning other clubs outright I don't see the benefit of versus the cost. If we want a larger foreign fan base signing players from that country like S Korea and Japan would be more beneficial for that.
  21. Cool, had a feeling but any little thing gets your hopes up.
  22. Tweets been removed not sure if legit or not. For those who missed it was the St James park sign being pressure washed with the caption "by royal appointment".
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