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Everything posted by SAK

  1. I've never wanted to be a mobile phone so badly in my life.
  2. Headless chicken majority of the time.
  3. Fuck you Liverpool. Come on palace make it 4.
  4. Take solace in the fact Liverpool are losing.
  5. For £32 Million spent before add ons I would expect to be better off than 1 point above the relagation zone.
  6. A chance to be the heroes of English football by denying Liverpool the title. To be honest if not us then I'd prefer Liverpool over the likes of Man City, Man U, Chelsea etc. Get the f*** out of here. So you find Liverpool more odious that Man City, Man U, or Chelsea?
  7. Navas should have hit the target there.
  8. A chance to be the heroes of English football by denying Liverpool the title. To be honest if not us then I'd prefer Liverpool over the likes of Man City, Man U, Chelsea etc.
  9. Shelvey moaning at his teammates continously, seems like such a cunt.
  10. Watching Monaco v Ajaccio, Monaco scored 5 mins and they will go second in the league. Stadium about a quarter full. God I hate rich clubs with shit support.
  11. Agree with JamesyJazz if MA shows some courage and vision we could be realistic CL place challengers. Sign a ST, CB & x2 wingers plus signing Remy permanently (court case permitting) may convince Cabaye to stay on.
  12. He does have a tendency to drift out the center of the defence to the wide areas and midfield even when there are plenty of midfielders to cover but played well overall.
  13. SAK

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    For those who didn't see it (hopefully not breaking any forum rules). Shamelessly taken from another forum. Credit to whoever made it. Snip.
  14. Knew he would come good.
  15. Excellent player, I like the way he doesn't just go diving in and letting opposition players of the hook. He closes them down, stays on his feet and jockeys them and slows down the play for reinforcements to get back or to force the opposition to pass backwards.
  16. SAK

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Loved it when he blocked of Moyes from throwing the ball to his player to restart play quickly. Moyes was well pissed.
  17. SAK

    Alan Pardew

    On Sunday supplement on now.
  18. Yep, I'm watching it now. Schmeichel with his "we witnessed something special" comment.
  19. The hype has already started with this Januzaj kid. Next messiah. Not to take away from his two very well taken goals.
  20. Admittedly never having watched Lamela before after seeing a few of his touches and the way he moves around the pitch he reminds me of Vuckic.
  21. Well we did give him a shed load of money for doing squat.
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