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Everything posted by SAK

  1. SAK

    The England Thread

    Under ressure from the start of the 2nd, no changes by Hodgson, shit.
  2. He can start on the bench when he gets back and earn his place.
  3. Hope the cunt mcmanamann gets a retrospective ban. If the ref saw it and nothing happens I hope we pursue him through the courts for damages.
  4. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m57v11sYYJ1r0z3y7o1_250.gif http://content.ytmnd.com/content/e/b/8/eb82d44c733d67f9c8fefa95e1a2199a.gif No Racist.
  5. Weimann Edit: in response to Nut
  6. He had a poor first touch of the ball a few times and was put under press by Swansea players and lost the ball. With Anita that's less likely to happen.
  7. Isn't Subotic supposed to be highly rated?
  8. Wonder if he regrets it or just likes being back with his drinking mates?
  9. Dyer being a prat as well though.
  10. This is gonna be a thrashing. I give it to Dyer.
  11. Is it me or has Routledge become a much better player since leaving us?
  12. Giggs should have hit it first time.
  13. Rooney with another rubbish pass.
  14. Welbeck can actually play football.
  15. Not impressed with V. Persie so far unable to hold on to the ball and bring others into play.
  16. Yep time to start planning for the future Play Mapou and Saylor together if we are looking long-term.
  17. Great first half. That move where Gouffran dummied and Sissoko ran behind him and got the ball
  18. No thanks, injury prone, not a great goal scoring record, not the type of player that would fit in with the type of football we want to play ie on the deck.
  19. Can't control the ball when he receives it and keeps knocking it out of play. Adds no value to the team.
  20. SAK

    Alan Pardew

    Replace him in the summer after we're safe.
  21. Excellent first half s*** second. Good debuts for the new players. Villa are a bunch of cheating wankers and Pardew is still a s*** manager despite the win.
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