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Everything posted by SAK

  1. SAK

    Bryan Ruiz

    He's not an out and out striker is he though? Is he what we need?
  2. All summer and the Ashley & llambias can't get a decent striker in. Messing about with Erding when he wasn't interested for ages, should have been pursuing multiple targets at a much earlier stage.
  3. http://www.angryasianman.com/images/angry/vancouver_riot01.jpg
  4. The inability to sign a quality striker (so far) has spoilt what could have been a good window overall. We're about 3 players away from being a very good side. Just need a striker, central defender, and a left footed left back so we can play Santon at right back.
  5. The rest of us would regard it as investing.
  6. Yeah and them three quite a few then, I'll get my coat! How about any decent Italian defenders that have played in the prem? Materazzi Can't remember if he was s*** or not tbh. Shit for Everton but brilliant for Inter.
  7. If it comes off I guess we''l find out if he's the real deal. Would prefer a left footer as well so we can upgrade both our current fullbacks.
  8. If true they're only letting him go because he didn't turn out to be the player they first thought he would be. Hence the loan to Cessena.
  9. Rooney nearly chips in his third. 6th goal by Park.
  10. Arsenal getting battered now, Nani with the 5th.
  11. SAK

    Nolan Roux

    So he has just read what i have then . "Finally Dupont who brings his little darling before the end! Incroy'ap :shock: It was the mouth on the bench. The ghostly Nolan! Spirit are you there? Whether a plant or alternatively, plays well ... well not a big queudale. He deserves not clear if there is to hold and mashed potatoes But I like it but this guy for a while and there is 0 points." da fuck
  12. ^^^^^ I take it that you guys are confused by the Eusebio and African reference? He was born in Mozambique then a part of the Portugese empire.
  13. SAK

    Ligue 1

    Thanks for the replies.
  14. SAK

    Ligue 1

    Do any UK channels televise Ligue 1 matches?
  15. SAK


    Not football related but :lol:
  16. Swansea look a pretty decent passing side, never watched them before. Doing ok so far against Man City.
  17. SAK

    Other clubs' transfers

    Oh, most people over here don't buy it, Cesc even admitted he knows a lot of the Barça fans haven't forgiven him leaving. He's just coming because we are top of the food chain now, in the same way he left because back then we were s***, and he's leaving Arsenal because they're s***. But he's a great player, so I'll take him just for that. ... We're not s***... No, you aren't in a general sense, but in the "big club" sense.
  18. SAK

    Joey Barton

    Well on the positive side at least it makes it less likely that another club will want him, maybe he'll knuckle down and sign a new contract.
  19. SAK

    Leon Best

    Can hold the ball up, has a bit of pace, quick feet when he is being closed down and as we saw last season can score. Our second best striker behind Demba Ba.
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