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Everything posted by SAK

  1. SSN say he's just arrived back at SJP after doing U turn on the motorway and is signing now That's just brilliant! If/when this goes through I'm gonna love ramming that fact down the gobs of West 'am fans.
  2. 70K? Seems like nothings changed if that fgures right. Same old Newcastle paying too high wages.
  3. SHould actually read it Mick, makes some good points, for a women anyway I agree about that bit though. I agreed with most of it then saw the name at the end of the article. Obviously I have to now disagree on principle. Women writing about football! They'll be commentating about it next.
  4. I don't understand that logic. Whether or not a team is or isn't built around him how does it affect his ability to pass a ball or shoot? It doesn't affect his ability, but it does affect the frequency of how often he is getting a shot in if the tactics are basically built around giving him shooting opportunities rather than something more balanced. Thanks for clarifying. So did he have a free role with no defensive responsibilities at City because the couple of times I did watch your matches this season gone he seemed to get stuck into the defnsive side of things as well?
  5. Scout report by Mac Dermott mind. Couldn't be assed to get a decent scout Recommended by Terry Mac. Sign him up sharpish I say, he knows a good footballer.
  6. I don't understand that logic. Whether or not a team is or isn't built around him how does it affect his ability to pass a ball or shoot?
  7. Think it was a dig tbh. hmm.....I prefer to think they're just thick cunts
  8. They really are thick c***s: From a Poster called Rio about NSG username- "Then tell us why you managed to spell your own username wrong. I'm presuming it was supposed to start with smug."
  9. ...yeah but you have to choose. Oh... it's one of those threads. I choose Martins to stay. Over Owen one of the greatest finishers in Engish football ever? Martins:Greater potential to improve as a player, higher resale value, younger, more years left on current contract versus Owen, less injury prone, more explosive player that doesn't need others to put it on a plate for him (see thunderbolt against Spuds).
  10. ...yeah but you have to choose. Oh... it's one of those threads. I choose Martins to stay.
  11. Why do we need to get rid of one, surely we need options and variety up front?
  12. I'll throw in Luka Modric as a suggestion. Looks good for Croatia the few times I've seen them.
  13. They're scum, past, present, and future.
  14. Ahahaha, that's the first time I've seen the c***. I imagined him to be balding and fat.. Is it me or does he look a bit like David Icke? (He of the royal family are space reptiles fame).
  15. He' hardly played this season though.
  16. Isn't that Under-18s or something? I've often flicked that on in the past, but just find most of the games completely rotten. Under 20 I believe. Can't say I've seen many Toulon matches but France v Japan has been pretty decent so far.
  17. Bit off track but if anyone is interested the Toulon tournament is running at the moment. Eurosports just had Germany v Ivory Coast on and now France v Japan is on Eurosports 2.
  18. Agreed. Fuck off Freddy and fucking splash the cash Ashley.
  19. Probably, SAF always plans ahead so when players start getting on a bit he has the next batch ready.
  20. Didn't he recently say he wanted to stay at Parma?
  21. Manual fernandes is a good shout, from the little I have seen of him he's looked a good player.
  22. Bartons the better player but still wouldn't want any of those three.
  23. For £8.5m cash, they can keep NRC, I say yes. Decent first season but poor since. Fans have lost faith in him plus were on his back when he kept doing his pirouette on the ball. Take the money and replace him with defensive mid who can tackle and start off attacks.
  24. SAK

    Makelele anyone?

    He's a player on the way down, not the dominant force he was and getting on in years. Not a guarenteed starter at Chelsea anymore. I want us to move away from such signings i.e. fading star who moves to us for guarenteed games and big wages. We need young hungry players fighting for their places which will drive an overall improvement in the team, bringing in Makalele wouldn't help us achieve that.
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