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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Would be tempted to play Obertan up front, just for the option of pace.
  2. Hmmmm... HBA was pants but wouldn't have taken him off at all, just for the potential he might actually do something.
  3. Having taken a breather, to be fair we are missing our main strikers, our main central midfield and one of our main centre halves, that's quite the handicap. Still, no excuse for the fact we can't do the basics/don't seem to have turned up. Don't know what to suggest as our bench is so non-existent. Anyone who can get the ball, keep the ball and pass the ball to players on our own side would be an advantage.
  4. Seriously, Phil Dowd. What a joker. Nonetheless we've been ridiculously crap.
  5. another useless refereeing performance against us. Far, far too many this year.
  6. It's the fact we completely can't even do the basics which is getting to me.
  7. All the luck we have been deprived of in the last 2 weeks is coming back in abundance...
  8. So true, would really like the club to lodge a complaint considering the Cabaye injustice.
  9. that is legitimately one of the lamest dives I have ever seen. Steven Gerrard would be proud.
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