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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Seriously, need a few mor ebookings so they know they can't keep kicking us like.
  2. Wilkins is coming across as such a biased, patronising and ignorant prick.
  3. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Has got us challenging for Europe so I'm willing to go with him for now.
  4. Strange. I'll stave off desecrating pardew until the game is done.
  5. Anyone know any toon-friendly pubs in Manchester to watch this?
  6. Anyone think that barfa gets more schtick form pares because he knows he's a better player than obertan/others and thus expects more from him?
  7. Stu's shit-hot at his job, that man can pack fruit like nothing you've ever seen.
  8. I think Obertan needs a sit down and listen to Dr. Funke's 100% Natural Good-time Family Band Solution.
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