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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Elric


    "Something big"? What, like a reinforced bench in the dugout for his fat fucking arse?
  2. Elric

    Jamaal Lascelles

    As has already been said, he'll have turned the heads of some now 'bigger' (read: premier league) clubs with his last few performances. Wouldn't be surprised if he was sold at all.
  3. Elric


    Jimmies rustled. Fat cunt.
  4. Still hoping for that old fucker Whelan and that little shit Callum McManaman to be fired into each other inside the LHC... although that may create some kinda Supercunt only rivalled by Ashley - they'd then fight it out like Godzilla & Mothra through the streets of Geneva, poor bastards. Anyway... tiny face Gartside LOL!
  5. reminds me of that tiny face meme that swept the internet Phol Gortside Edit: Ah. He, uh, died. RIP.
  6. Elric

    Shola Ameobi

    That "you know" business was embarrassing, had to turn it off. Some of the twitter comments
  7. 102, with Sanchez ©, Iwobi and Bellerin to play tonight. Not taking into account the -24 points for all the subs I made this gameweek, like
  8. Looks like I'm not alone, but my gambit of hoying in Moreno, Milner, Origi and Lukaku really paid off
  9. Had Alderweireld and Sigurdsson on the bench for this week Edit: The week we've just had, I mean.
  10. Had a dream the score was 5-2. Couldn't remember which way the result went though, so put a bet on both teams winning by that score, haha *awaits soul-destroying 0-0*
  11. Elric


    Shag Minors Brazenly?
  12. Elric


    Weediest looking professional* athlete** ever. *currently unemployed **nonce
  13. Mido sacked by Zamalek after 37 days as manager... looks like Dev off Corrie, the state man http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/onesport/cps/976-hidpi/cpsprodpb/599B/production/_88193922_mido.jpg
  14. Elric

    Seydou Doumbia

    Red Card! - Doumbia, 87 mins (burying effigies of old gods in 18-yard box)
  15. Elric

    Seydou Doumbia

    Looks like he's booked himself into the fucking Dignitas clinic or something http://i68.tinypic.com/8yi49s.png
  16. 20 from 6, captain Ozil with a massive 6 point haul. Arsenal man, inconsistent kernts. Looking forward to this wildcard like Edit: Just noticed loads of people had Ozil as captain, don't feel as bad now. Also, glad I benched Vardy, Crack Whore Confessions lookin' motherfucker. Start scoring again you horrible cunt. Mahrez too.
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