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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Elric


    Didn't someone mention Tuchel as a possible appointment?
  2. The Lloyd's Pharmacy advert, man
  3. Elric

    Graham Carr

    Basically a kid playing Football Manager probably would have had as much success at suggesting players to sign, from France, to Ashley. Absolute dinosaur, as has been said he was clearly dodgy as well. Good riddance.
  4. Elric


    Biggest cl.... best f.... just burst out laughing.
  5. Elric


    Sponsored litter-pick in and around their stadium.
  6. Elric


    Derek McFuckthisshit
  7. Elric


    german owners is a funny one like Hopefully their German ownership works out the same way it worked for the Metro
  8. crazy, crazy money. Most expensive defender ever, if this comes off
  9. Binning any Chelsea players for the final week, them and Conte cost me dearly last round, tool-downing kernts Think I'll hoy in a mix of players from the teams battling for 4th place, I would have binned the 3 Spurs midfielders I have but after the dismantling of Leicester I might have to leave them in
  10. Sell him to our new Chinese sponsor for organ harvesting.
  11. Why does Gayle look about 13 there? What filter is that? Also, is that James Corden?
  12. Elric


    Well and truly RATTLED, marra. We relegated them.
  13. Elric


    If we ignore the obvious face and tattoo issues.... what the fuck's up with that 'fringe'?
  14. Elric


    Their attendances next year will be a sight to behold, like. Surely only the most massive of #ladsfans will remain. Fully expect around the 30k mark, with a mysterious illness culling around two fifths of the STID lot. Which is quite sad, really. I mean, those crisp-packet tornadoes aren't gonna fuel themselves.
  15. Elric


    Now they don't even have the hope of getting rid of this dour cunt to cling on to. The sweetest of treats :lol:
  16. If Rafa gets his way i can't see that not being the case tbh. The mere fact he wanted a CM and winger in January means he knows we need both, plus it's obvious to pretty much everyone we don't have a 10 fit for purpose. Probably worth giving One Lung another punt tbh. Aye, into the Tyne.
  17. Elric


    If I was that old dude I'd be happier. Surely, at his age, he'll have accepted that they're never, ever going to have a shot at the title. Being in the champo won't preclude them from having a tilt at one of the cups (don't laugh). They won't be getting as many hidings in the championship, that's for sure. Surely none of them have actually enjoyed the last 10 years?
  18. Elric


    Despite the delusion among their number of what their soon to be decimated squad will achieve next season, one thing most of them will not have accounted for are the absolute shithouse referees. Good luck with that one
  19. Elric


    I think all that vigorous nodding has damaged Garth's brain, daft cunt. That squad (which there's no way in hell they'll keep together, anyway) will finish mid-table at best in the champo, lerllll
  20. Elric


    :lol: Enjoy, you cunts.
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