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Everything posted by Elric

  1. Elric


    "Lads fans" :turboanguish:
  2. 31 fucking points Trying not to piss my pants and rage hoy in my wildcard It's not how you start...
  3. Brentford supporting mate at work thinks very highly of him; rates him as their best player along with Jota. Question marks over his fitness but he's been their player of the year for the last two seasons or something.
  4. Front three of Ibra, Aguero and Kane... fucking captained Kane
  5. Literally no sympathy for dude, admittedly not his fault but he's fleeced the club of however many millions for no real return. Be glad to see the back of him.
  6. Elric


    That Left Brainless seems like an utter cunt, like
  7. "Never!" - Russell Kempson 2016 http://i2.getreading.co.uk/incoming/article11723601.ece/ALTERNATES/s98/Russell-Kempson.png He actually looks sick...terminally sick. Fritzl Jr.
  8. 5-6. Rafa coming onto the pitch for the final corner of the game, scoring with a bullet header. Cuntbastard referee deems it fair, as apparently most other things are in this league.
  9. Just send him to the glue factory already. Absolute donkey.
  10. I whacked Pogba in like. Had de Bruyne but he's showing as potentially injured. The 2.5 mil saved I used to 'upgrade' Lukaku into Kane #CoolStoryBro #NPW #HashtagWanker
  11. Our championship rivals will be rubbing their fucking hands together watching this like
  12. Whacked £20 on Sissoko to PSG like
  13. After this summer of positivity it's a nailed on defeat / draw like
  14. Provisionally: Schmeichel - Adrian Ivanovic - Bellerin - Reid - Sagna - Fernandez (Swansea) Dier - De Bruyne - Hazard - Redmond - Kante Ibra - Wilson - Carroll Probably change about 50 times before the start of the season like, haha.
  15. Spent about five fucking minutes wondering how the hell to change the captain / VC - in case anyone else is a moron like me, you click the player themselves and some further options appear
  16. Not really too bothered tbh. For the sake of getting peanuts, we may as well keep him here. There's a good player in there, and in today's market getting £3m or so is meaningless. Even if we can get him fit for 50% of the season he could win us some crucial points. That's £3m plus whatever wages he's on though. Given his history I'd be amazed at him being fit for even 50% of the season. Then, when he is 'fit', it'll take him games to get up to match fitness. Once that's happened he'll probably get swallowed up by a fucking sink-hole opening up under Burton's pitch or impaled by a Unicorn or something. This fucker just can't be relied on at all. Not his fault, but it's taking the piss. Like I said, and others before me, it's irrelevant, no one in their right mind is gonna take him off our hands. Ah well.
  17. Permacrock. I'm sure he's a lovely guy, good player when he can stay fit etc. But then so were Woodgate and Dyer to name a couple (good players that is, they were cunts in real life by all accounts). No one is gonna be daft enough to take him off our hands but I fucking wish they would.
  18. Someone please 'shop this in the style of a Street Fighter 2, post having the shit kicked out of you, screen. YOU LOSE! http://i.imgur.com/xJIDTLA.jpg That's class man, brightened my day up, thank you :lol:
  19. Someone please 'shop this in the style of a Street Fighter 2, post having the shit kicked out of you, screen. YOU LOSE!
  20. "Just didn't have enough DNA today." You had plenty of Dutch Louis' DNA in your mouth though, Pards, KERNNNNT
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