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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Supposing we take Garde on. Will anybody begin to change their attitude towards Ashley?
  2. The delay is probably due to the word going out amongst the management fraternity. No one wants to work under the present set up and Carver is the only one prepared to kiss the ring.
  3. scars don't heal that fast.
  4. I hope he's ditched his loonie philosophies.
  5. I remember at one Arsenal game, we were singing, "We hate Cockneys" and they were singing back,"so do we!".
  6. I fear the appointment of Carver would be a final, spiteful move by Ashley.
  7. Haz

    Steven Taylor

    Out for rest of season according to SSN.
  8. Forward with Carver into the Promised land. Fuck off.
  9. Haz


    Well that's half the problem solved
  10. Haz


    I cannot see any circumstances where a defeat for NUFC would be deemed as acceptable.
  11. Ashley in Barbados according to SSN. Doesn't give a fuck.
  12. Match of the day: "We was no fret first half. Then we was a fret." He cannot even speak English. How is he supposed to be a manager?
  13. He says he hopes Spurs can't match our energy. I wish he'd STFU.
  14. Haz


    Thump! One hundred and Eighty!
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