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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Alan Smith

    When he first arrived I Parky and I(apologies Parky if it wasn't you) stated that he could become a Toon Legend. I was wrong. I mean I was fucking wrong to several magnitudes. Can an injury such as he suffered make a footballer so ineffective? Its my theory he continued with the naff blonde spikey hair just soo he could be identified on the pitch. Jeez was I wrong?
  2. Got a nice letter from those awfuly nice people at NUFC, inviting me to apply for a season ticket(have had one for seven seasons) because I am also on the waiting list. Read into that what you will.
  3. Haz

    Keegan on transfers

    Didn't someone on here mention Terry Mac at a football talk in months ago? He is said to have said there will be few suprises and the focus would be on players who were familiar with the Prem. (Draw from that whatever you will) No Hollywood signings anyway. (Which is one of the reasons we think we are a big deal)
  4. Haz

    Rumour control

    And the pedant gets two points.
  5. Haz

    Rumour control

    Got a visit from my neighbour, late on. Let's just say he was feeling no pain and leave it at that. He fully explained the provision of this particular rumour and the fact that he saw the photograph to prove it. Apparently, on a flight to Newcastle this morning, were two professional footballers, not on a stopover. Iedar? Gudjohnnsen and Samual E'to. Make of that what you will.
  6. My seat is mid centre of the goal, up in L7. I like that view and i am used to all the great folks around me. Does this mean that I will have to move to the present away fans corner and the away fans will take up where i was sitting? If so they can fuck off.
  7. Surely we have something in place- contract wise, for this eventuality? I cannot imagine Ashley putting up with this crap.
  8. Haz

    Clear the Air Talks ?

    Probably the most important statement Keegan made was that he had a good relationship with Mike Ashley - he never speaks to him! Surely that set the whole ball rolling.....
  9. So how does this Gomis kid measure up to that standard? He any good?
  10. Keegan mentioned he was looking for premiership experience and the ability to improve. Does Ashton have either? On that profile alone Crouch fits the bill but not at the prices being asked.
  11. Probably not, but it will be ballpark wont it?
  12. If Are you mad, FFS??? If £15 million is the going rate for that kind of striker then Ashely has to decided if he wants £5 million pound players or players to compete. That is What KK is on about. I dont make the market prices, but what do you suppose Ashton would go for? Could he justify the amount of times he would actually play?
  13. Looks like Crouch will attract £15 million according to the scousers. Worth the punt? Id say so. Hardly injured, regular sccorer, good target man and suprisingly good on the deck for a stick insect.
  14. Haz

    Clear the Air Talks ?

    Perhaps it was KK's little moan (if he in fact said it) about losing his three main targets that set this meeting into motion. At the very least they should all be singing from the same hymn sheet. There will be words no doubt but as blokes they should be able to move on, have a pint and make NUFC stronger because of it.
  15. Haz

    End of Season Clap Clap

    I stayed and applauded those I thought had worked hard, and glad to see the back of the workshy bastards,
  16. You sometimes have to take drugs to watch the Toon but this is a disgrace. Some addict and his carer gets a seat some poor sod couldnt afford and the addict wouldnt even care if he's facing the pitch. Bastards.
  17. Haz

    Alan Smith

    I genuinely thought Smith was going to be a Toon legend. What the ferkdo I know? I can only hope he goes through some Gary Speed type resurrection - for our sake.
  18. Check and see if he still has playing registration?
  19. Keegan said - when asked about Wise - "That's a question for Chris Mort. He'll be back on Wednesday. Im just concentrating on Arsenal on Tuesday" Oh dear. Things do not seem well at dingly Dell. Was this not in the brochure either?
  20. He has the attributes and capacity to succeed but he has possibly not really grasped the enormity of what is expected. If he can turn us intot team that wins more than loses, that will be a good foothold. I think he has an eye for a player and doesnt muck about with the paymasters, so I think that is a decent recipe for Allardyce to succeed with us.
  21. Haz

    Islamic footballers

    Or you've just skinned the LB, going to lob the perfect cross over (oops sorry) but you stop dead and whip out the old prayer mat. It tends to break up the attack.
  22. "Sacked " according to 'Senior Professional at Chelsea@ according to SSN
  23. I'd like to think, no matter how pissed off we are we could see that losing one game, albeit in a very ugly way, should not constitute a manager's notice. It was absolute pants and even Stevie Wonder could see its going to take some probing midfield balls through to the strikers. They get no opportunity, and whilst most are prolific (Sit down Shola) they are not chance makers. On paper, we have a tremendous strikeforce and at least one striker completely wasted wide right. Kneejerk is fine, especially when they've all talked the talk so long but come on - its NUFC we are talking about. You could have won good money backing Derby to win by a goal from Miller. It was all in the script.
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