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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz


    "He's a decent manager, but the hysteria over him is f***ing hilarious. I genuinely wouldn't want him anywhere Sunderland" Makes perfect sense. Most of those Doylems wouldn't recognise class if it bit them on the arse.
  2. We've intervened into Jesus Navas' negotiations and made him an offer. Second coming?
  3. Haz


    Where are they getting their players from? Are they gewguling them?
  4. Haz


    The Paraffins are so consumed with envy of us that their only way of expressing it is with angry and moronic bytes.
  5. Ifhewantstogotoashitholelikeswanseathenfuckimgogogoch.
  6. I think, however, we can all agree that Rafa can attract a better calibre footballer than say, Pardew.
  7. Haz


    Poor little mite.
  8. We'll be lucky to make the play offs and it will be the old story once again.
  9. Derby forum cunts reckon this is going to be a cakewalk for them. I hope we stick it right up them. 3.Nowt.
  10. Haz

    Andros Townsend

    Didn't Big Dunc sign for us straight after the match?
  11. Haz

    Andros Townsend

    Supposedly travelled to Bournemouth although not playing.
  12. A woman should have as many sexual partners as she wishes and should have no bearing upon a rape case. I fear Ched's career will not recover.
  13. Haz


    My favourite goal was Hillsborough Semi when Hibbit pushed the ball over Macs head and Mac chased the ball with Colin waldron on his back. He shrugged the kernt off and cooly slotted it home. The man was a monster.
  14. Should just read "We are Newcastle United".
  15. I'd expect Charnley talking to the Brighton Bods right now....
  16. Haz

    Daryl Murphy

    I doubt there is any transfer activity without Rafa's sanction.
  17. I still remember when he got knocked out by a ball to the fizzer by Robert.
  18. Aye but just wait until we sign him. The Paraffins will be lining up to say how crap he was.
  19. Supporting England is a Suvvern fing innit? Suvvern frets.
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