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Everything posted by Haz

  1. Haz

    Transfer rumours

    If we get him cheap will it be a Plea bargain? Coat. Get my.
  2. Haz


    Ideal for such a pantomime club. nice one Well played sir.
  3. Haz


    Peyter Reid? He would have to stay in his dugout to avoid the flying lager.
  4. Haz


    As long as they don't make the poor sods watch the football.
  5. Haz


    I wish them everything they wish for us.
  6. SSN: Newcastle interested in loan deals for Sturrige and Ings.
  7. Isn't Ashley still in America and not back until Monday? Nowt will happen until then....
  8. What is the "Duel Process"? because according to someone in the Director's box, its been 'triggered'.
  9. Nope! But i hear that Bakumbu, Aubameyang and Fekir are on their way. Amanda Staveley, I'd Fekir. Dirty Fekir.
  10. Haz


    A man has to know his limitations. - Clint Eastwood.
  11. Haz


    Mackem females, I have observed, seem to have passable chebs but (as I have said elsewhere) tend to be gunted Boglins.
  12. Has it been printed on A3 this week? well played that man.
  13. Haz

    Andreas Samaris

    Does he have an eye for goal? Can he get the ball between the Styx?
  14. Haz

    Andreas Samaris

    He better be good or the crowd will give him some Hellenistic.
  15. Haz

    Andreas Samaris

    Wait a Minoan while I think up another pun.
  16. Haz

    Mikel Merino

    Looks like it's done?
  17. Haz

    Andreas Samaris

    I Hera that this is a no goer?
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