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Geordie Boot Boy

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Everything posted by Geordie Boot Boy

  1. That was awful. I genuinely don't think Germany looked particularly good either. We made them look better than they are. All four goals were a shambles really. I really wish we had some good players in reserve to play up front so that we could drop Rooney. The way he stopped playing at the end was canny disgraceful. He reminded me of Gazza in his younger days but not anymore, IIRC Gazza gave everything when he was on the pitch, even in the big games.
  2. can't be offside from a goal kick Swedish. I genuinely didn't know that. I don't see why.
  3. That was so obviously in. Fucking disgrace.
  4. Tenner on Lampard to score first. I never win these speculative bets so I'm overdue one.
  5. I've got a crazy feeling Lampard's gonna bang one in (based on nothing I've seen so far). I've just stuck a tenner on him to score first.
  6. If Portugal beat Spain, our potential next three opponents are essentially our three biggest tournament rivals/enemies of recent years. All three teams have weaknesses too (as, of course, do we). The motivation against any of them would be huge. Looking at it optimistically, I think we could scrape past each of them. I just can't see any realistic way we could beat Brazil in the final. The only way we're winning this is if someone else knocks Brazil out for us IMO.
  7. Red, we are the runner up and therefore the away team. Nice one. Being that our 2 performances in white were awful I feel a lot better about the lucky red. Not that I genuinely believe it'll make a blind bit of difference to the result like but still.. It will if the players start to believe it.
  8. If a striker has scored 7 goals in 60 matches he's clearly not doing his job. Crouch has 3 times as many goals in near half the amount of games. I said "doing his job to the level he's expected". Heskey's not there to score lots of goals, he's there to improve the team. How has the team done in those 60 matches? It's all that actually matters in the end. I like Crouch and I wouldn't object to seeing him start but I don't think he's automatically a better choice than Heskey because he's scored more goals than Heskey.
  9. This thread's uncalled for IMO. Things go wrong, so the scapegoat comes out, even though this scapegoat's arguably been the only player doing his job to the level he's expected.
  10. Cle He was frustrated and I reckon he'll take it back tomorrow. I'm not too surprised about your performance though, as you have the most overrated team the World has ever seen. he'll take it back, but ppl won't forget, beckham or shearer wouldn't say it in a million years, he's a fat scouse c*** and he's shown his true colours 2nite He was frustrated man. Get over it. Nobody died. tell the ppl who spent 4 years saving up to go to south africa, clearly you don't give a damn about them ffs Not really. But don't let that stop you getting offended on their behalf and blowing this out of all proportion. Dullard.
  11. He was frustrated and I reckon he'll take it back tomorrow. I'm not too surprised about your performance though, as you have the most overrated team the World has ever seen. he'll take it back, but ppl won't forget, beckham or shearer wouldn't say it in a million years, he's a fat scouse c*** and he's shown his true colours 2nite He was frustrated man. Get over it. Nobody died.
  12. I can't believe how bad Rooney was. I mean, everyone has an off day but this was a performance that would've looked bad at a local park. Not that he deserves to be singled out particularly but his performances have usually been the silver lining in past poor England performances. I'm worried. I genuinely think he might've bottled this one. And England has no other players who can take us to the final.
  13. Apparently, this isn't yet the done deal some of you think it is. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/football/european_football/article7137551.ece
  14. Doubt extra time goals count mate, unless it was a special bet. Well they paid out! Nice one. It must've been a special bet then. I used to work in a bookies and I'd say that bets like that usually only include the events of normal time. Not that it matters.
  15. Doubt extra time goals count mate, unless it was a special bet.
  16. Sorry Ronaldo, I deleted my post. Decided to stay out of it. Now, your post looks a little strange without mine.
  17. TYPICAL GERMANS No f***ing joke. I grasped that, I meant what did he say? He couldn't have just grabbed the mic and said 'Typical Germans' then walked off "They got the lad sent off... typical Germans". what a xenophobic c***. should get a fine or ban for that. Get over yourselves man. He might get in bother for it and he probably should as well but it's not something to get so worked up about. You can understand the frustration. I hate seeing players so blatantly trying to get players booked. He got himself booked by being f***ing hopeless to be fair. I agree. It was a booking either way, with or without the pressure from the players.
  18. It was daft letting Rooney make the decision. He was never going to volunteer to come off. Yeah but when you make a decision to start with a player and see how he goes, you need him to let you know how he's feeling. It did become obvious he was uncomfortable but if he tells you he's feeling alright, you have to believe him.
  19. TYPICAL GERMANS No f***ing joke. I grasped that, I meant what did he say? He couldn't have just grabbed the mic and said 'Typical Germans' then walked off "They got the lad sent off... typical Germans". what a xenophobic c***. should get a fine or ban for that. Get over yourselves man. He might get in bother for it and he probably should as well but it's not something to get so worked up about. You can understand the frustration. I hate seeing players so blatantly trying to get players booked.
  20. Rooney really should have let them know that he couldn't continue earlier in that game. My God he was a waste of a position for most of the time he was on tonight. And the less said about Carrick the better.
  21. He shouldn't be in the squad anyway on this season's form, despite Mancini's assertion that he's the "best left back in the country" (which is laughable considering how well Ashley C*** is playing).
  22. Not particularly interesting but I saw Jose Enrique in Eldon Square today. He was with what I assume was his lass.
  23. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1235599/Graham-Poll-Divers-foreign-No-British-disease.html I think we can discount the Bellamy yellow card from the weekend which, BTW, was an atrocious decision.
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