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Everything posted by magorific

  1. Changing tack - and apologies if posted elsewhere - but the MoS have a stats piece today revealing the quickest, slowest and fittest players at each club (based on data from last weekend, I think). Carroll was Liverpool's quickest. So much for lumbering...
  2. At risk of being shot down, I wouldn't mind a "donkey" like Kuyt in our line-up.
  3. f*** me. Simple math.. Scored in three matches = 9 points on the table..Some players you cannot replace, if they're injured it will affect your season. Period. How many points did Carroll put on the board for us.. so are we still nearly as good? A very good question. Can't wait for the utterly insane response.
  4. Romaric of Sevilla linked. International team-mate of Tiote. Heard a while back we were looking at another Ivorian, but assumed it was Gervinho.
  5. You are taking the p*ss, right?
  6. First decent cross in open play he's had as a Liverpool player. Stunning goal. Wonder what he'd have made of Guthrie's ball yesterday. Still, at least we're making 0.5% interest on that £35m...
  7. How is it sad. How's it not? I saw him play for the juniors, reserves & the 1st team at NUFC & so it is good to see him play well for England & Liverpool. You must support loads of teams around the country then. Not teams you plank I only support 1 team, I like & follow loads of x-mags & geordies who never played for NUFC like Madien, Graham, Walker, Colback, Novak & a load more other playes If you mean Madine, he's never played for Newcastle and doesn't consider himself a Geordie so you might wanna give up on that one. Doesn't consider himself a Geordie? That'll be news to his dad...
  8. This. Got seriously bailed out several times by Colo and, fair play to the young 'un, Ferguson. Anyone who says different can't have been at the game.
  9. magorific

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pardew said after Saturday's game that the players weren't back in until Tuesday.
  10. Williamson was equally bad on several occasions. Ferguson baled him out superbly in the first half.
  11. magorific

    Steven Taylor

    "Fan" slags off player for celebrating goal in massive home win. Who's the cock?
  12. How is that plausible in the slightest? As if Newcastle were trying to trick him into it - "HAHA Transfer request handed in, you can't go back now Andy!" All part of Ashley's evil plan... http://shootingparrots.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Dick-Dastardly.jpg Who knows? But for a good half-hour before confirmation came through of Carroll putting in a transfer request, David Craig (llambias' mouthpiece) was talking about Newcastle telling Liverpool they'd sell for £35m.
  13. Spot on. But people are also re-writing history by suggesting we played s**t football with Carroll in the team. When we clicked, it was thrilling stuff, and the lad scored more for us this season with his foot than his head.
  14. Can't help but feel pride that a Geordie is doing it in an England shirt. But then I was brought up to cheer our old boys through gritted teeth (Waddle, Beardsley, Gazza)...
  15. Coleman should rest his mouth long enough for his brain to register that Wales are utter s**t. Didn't someone on here insist we should sign that centre-back Williams?
  16. I like............ Me too. The Breton look is very now.
  17. Darron McDonough, Wayne Fereday, Ian Stewart...
  18. Sigh. YOU were the one that brought Saylor up, and it wasn't me who wrote the following... Taylor's far better in the air {than Williamson}. Lescott has ability but he's not an ideal partner for Coloccini. Rather have Saylor alongside Colo. He {Williamson) can and will be dropped the second Saylor is fit. And rightly so. Taylor is the more capable. And... He's {Saylor vs Williamson) got a lot more going for him. Go get your coat.
  19. When a swap deal with McManus at Celtic was proposed in 2009 (yes, really!), the suggestion was that Jose turned it down because it would have meant a 50% drop in wages. Celtic's wage ceiling in recent years has been widely acknowledged as being 20k a week. Ergo, Jose isn't on more than 40k a week. Poor lad. Give him more money. My post was in response to someone who insisted he would be on 70k a week a la Barton.
  20. According to anyone who was sat within spitting distance of our bench about 20 minutes before kick-off that day. Or did I just make it up, adding Terry Mac to my flight of fantasy for mere comic effect? Oh no, I didn't... http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/news/tm_objectid=16539228%26method=full%26siteid=50081%26headline=tottenham-2--newcastle-united-0-name_page.html http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2006/jan/02/newsstory.sport1 Good dig re Saylor by the way - the same player you repeatedly stated was a significantly better bet than Mike Williamson (and Joleon Lescott) just last month . . . before you backtracked quicker than Saylor at his worst.
  21. When a swap deal with McManus at Celtic was proposed in 2009 (yes, really!), the suggestion was that Jose turned it down because it would have meant a 50% drop in wages. Celtic's wage ceiling in recent years has been widely acknowledged as being 20k a week. Ergo, Jose isn't on more than 40k a week.
  22. Barton was already on 40k plus a week at Man City, Enrique was on peanuts in Spain. There is no way he is earning anything like Barton, ffs.
  23. Are you talking about the Luque before the serious injury and mistreatment or the Luque prior to those events? He's talking about the actual Luque, not the hypothetical world beater. This is where you lot are failing to understand the argument and so there is no point continuing it. Are you talking about the Luque before the serious injury and mistreatment or the Luque prior to those events? He's talking about the actual Luque, not the hypothetical world beater. This is where you lot are failing to understand the argument and so there is no point continuing it. You're building a Luque who never existed, a Luque who should have taken Shearer's place in the team. The actual Luque was there and did nothing to earn his wages or justify his price tag. It's as simple as that. Again, you were about 7 at the time and you're completely ignoring what you've just been told by VI - who saw plenty of him. I was roughly 34 at the time and fully concur with what the 7-year-old said. I, unlike you, was sat just behind the dug-out at Spurs when he refused to warm up (for the game Owen was crocked in, as I recall) because he was on the bench. Terry Mac had to physically push him onto the pitch. Luque was a disgrace. End of.
  24. Don't tell me, you were saying as much when Owen signed?
  25. Smith did pretty well in the first few months of the Championship season. Fact.
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