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Everything posted by magorific

  1. That is f**kin' spooky. The exhaust fell off my car on the way to Barnsley in 1990/91. I missed a 1-1 draw - my mate was in casualty with burns after trying to pick the pipe up off the hard shoulder...
  2. He's finished. The standard of the Greek league is very poor and he couldn't hack it there, or in the MLS with Toronto. Let's move on.
  3. A bit optimistic, considering the abject opposition we've faced in the Championship?
  4. I've still got the NUFC/Brazil hat from when Mirandinha signed. Happy days...
  5. loser Fucktard Have you visited skunkers.net? They would LOVE you over there...
  6. Anyone remember lads starting fires to keep warm (or cos they were pyromaniacs) on the Gallowgate? I'm sure I do - even when the ground was quite full, like for the 5-0 v Man City in '83 (Beardsley's first display of irrefutable genius)
  7. Keane blatantly still bears a grudge against Given for siding with Mick McCarthy in 2002. Funny how he managed to bury the hatchet with Niall Quinn for a boatload of cash at Sunderland.
  8. magorific


    Like Given, Beardsley left because he wanted to. He was offered better money and went to a club he thought was better than Newcastle. Thats what professional footballers tend to do. Ironically the player who really did not want to leave but was to some extent pushed out was Chris Waddle, and yet he seemed to face more animosity after his departure being called Judas etc. Yet Beardo was never vilified (not widely, anyway) and was welcomed back as the prodigal son. I don't have a problem with that, but I'm losing hope that Given would be offered the same courtesy.
  9. magorific


    Aye, I'll accept that outweighs the evidence of nigh on 500 games.
  10. magorific


    Never mind the 12 years' service, eh? Can the Given haters - or the few who are old enough - tell me if they feel the same way towards Peter Beardsley (who left us right in the s**te when he went to Liverpool)?
  11. Whatever happened to Drunk 'n' Disorderly, Hark now Hear etc? Even the Blaydon Races is a rarity these days. Don't agree that we don't have decent songs in the locker though. Shola Ameobi and Any O'Brien spring to mind.
  12. Last night's first half was as bad as I've ever seen him (I've stuck up for him in the past). Horrendous. Improved in the second half, but then so did the team - massively. Have to say it's inviting teams on to us away from home - and inviting trouble - playing him and Smith together. Guthrie's no great shakes, but at least he has the energy to get from box to box if Smith simply sits in.
  13. magorific

    George Caulkin

    Do you not read the Sunday Sun? Farrington crucifies Ashley every week.
  14. Shola should have caved the charva c***s face in Very constructive. Are you looking forward to half-term?
  15. Strange how the Mail remember Guivarc'h but managed to leave the legendary Bobby Mitchell out of their list of top 50 British wingers the other day (behind the likes of Stewart Ripley!)
  16. Can't believe journalists are still giving this guy the oxygen of publicity. Talk has never been cheaper. Absurdly over-rated footballer and incorrigible c**t of an individual. Move on.
  17. press association ain't exactly bullshitters But they will be being fed by the same sources as the Times, Mirror etc....
  18. So you're saying that Ashley was arriving at St James's at 5.30am? Clearly straight from the casino, having pissed away our poor excuse for a January transfer kitty...
  19. Aye, that was priceless coming from a bloke who gave us several utterly gash signings and is STILL taking £20k a week out of the club himself.
  20. My qualm with Keegan is that he gave up on us (again) and dumped the club in the s*** from a sporting perspective and left us in the hands of people we thought were c***s (and apparently he knew were c***s). I have never defended Ashley, and was expecting this type of verdict. However how does this change what my problem with Keegan is? It doesn't. What? So he should have put up with the c***s BECAUSE they were c***s? Priceless.
  21. Why? This is exactly the kind of expected verdict on Ashley and co's actions. Why? Er, because the judgement completely vindicates Keegan. not totally, as keegan would of got his 9m if he did If you read the whole judgement, it's clear the size of his pay-out was dictated by the smallest of small print in his contract and so is more or less irrelevant next to the fact that his complaint was upheld and the club have been ridiculed by the arbitration panel.
  22. Why? This is exactly the kind of expected verdict on Ashley and co's actions. Why? Er, because the judgement completely vindicates Keegan.
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