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Everything posted by magorific

  1. Shepherd IS chairman. Fact.
  2. No its not on there yet.. Chronicle back page "Big Sam to Bid Buy Beye" Its showing up under Chronicle live but when you click to read the story you get yesterdays story still.. Don't worry, I've read it and it's just more s**** journalism from Lee Ryder. I'm fairly sure Luke Edwards at the Journal is the only guy to get insider info nowadays. How do you work that out? I cant remember the Journal ever breaking a story. The Journal are the ones who have been mentioning Habib Beye for weeks now, they were the first to get confirmation from Sam that we were after Ben Haim and Rozenhal, they broke the Deco story yesterday (rightly or wrongly), they have had loads of exclusive interviews with Sam, and the articles are well written. The Chronicle, on the other hand, write countless stories without basing them on anything substanstial, they wrongly broke the story that we had agreed in principle to sign Edmilson (hours later, Barcelona officials denied it), and they've had hardly any "exclusives" since Sam and Mark Ashley took control. The Journal are much more likely to know the truth nowadays, in my opinion. The Sunday Sun broke the Beye story and Deco was in Sunday's NOTW. The fact the Journal didn't even have it on their back page yesterday suggests they don't believe it themselves. Yes, Deco was in the NOTW, but not in the same detail as it was in the Journal. I don't remember the Beye story breaking in the Sunday Sun, I was 99% sure I read it first in the Journal. The rest of my points you can't argue with. The chronicle have had no "exclusives" since Allardyce took over. Deco was only in greater detail in the Journal because they have more space to fill. As I say, if they really believed in the story, why wasn't it on the back page? Beye was definitely mentioned in the SS - and the Chron - before the Journal. A search on icnewcastle would confirm it, if i had time. I also like the quality of writing in the Journal, but I certainly don't read it to get an inside track on the club.
  3. No its not on there yet.. Chronicle back page "Big Sam to Bid Buy Beye" Its showing up under Chronicle live but when you click to read the story you get yesterdays story still.. Don't worry, I've read it and it's just more s**** journalism from Lee Ryder. I'm fairly sure Luke Edwards at the Journal is the only guy to get insider info nowadays. How do you work that out? I cant remember the Journal ever breaking a story. The Journal are the ones who have been mentioning Habib Beye for weeks now, they were the first to get confirmation from Sam that we were after Ben Haim and Rozenhal, they broke the Deco story yesterday (rightly or wrongly), they have had loads of exclusive interviews with Sam, and the articles are well written. The Chronicle, on the other hand, write countless stories without basing them on anything substanstial, they wrongly broke the story that we had agreed in principle to sign Edmilson (hours later, Barcelona officials denied it), and they've had hardly any "exclusives" since Sam and Mark Ashley took control. The Journal are much more likely to know the truth nowadays, in my opinion. The Sunday Sun broke the Beye story and Deco was in Sunday's NOTW. The fact the Journal didn't even have it on their back page yesterday suggests they don't believe it themselves.
  4. No its not on there yet.. Chronicle back page "Big Sam to Bid Buy Beye" Its showing up under Chronicle live but when you click to read the story you get yesterdays story still.. Don't worry, I've read it and it's just more s**** journalism from Lee Ryder. I'm fairly sure Luke Edwards at the Journal is the only guy to get insider info nowadays. How do you work that out? I cant remember the Journal ever breaking a story.
  5. I'm now told we are definitely talking to him - so you may be right
  6. As far as I know, Edmilson's got a bad knee injury and is out for up to 6 months. If so, it's another corker from he Chron . . .
  7. We're after Edmilson - set to leave Barca as a free agent - according to the Chron
  8. magorific

    Jon Jönsson

    Very very harsh. Why? Setting aside the fact that he has come through the system, the lad is never Premiership class.
  9. Posted this at half 10 on the Jonsson thread - these rules on needing 100 posts to start a thread are a bugger
  10. magorific

    Jon Jönsson

    I'm told we are in talks with Geremi. (Can't post new thread as I'm not a 24/7 poster)
  11. Nottingham.. not that far from derby is it? No, but they ARE scum. SCABS, SCABS, SCABS.....
  12. All well and good, but it was Shepherd Jr who went and sorted the Luque transfer on the club's behalf - and Shepherd Jr who's been running the club while Freddy's on the sick. Does anyone still wonder why we "paid" so much for Luque (not to mention Boum?)?
  13. KEY FINDINGS FROM FINAL QUEST REPORT: The Inquiry submits its latest findings in this matter below. All findings are based on our latest information and of course if further information is obtained by the relevant authorities the precise position may alter. We would urge those individuals named here to now fully co-operate in order to assist with resolving all matters. In the following paragraphs, to assist in understanding where relevant jurisdiction may lie in these matters, individuals will be identified in the first instance as being a Licensed Agent under The FA’s jurisdiction (LA) or a FIFA Licensed Agent under the jurisdiction of a foreign national association (FLA) or an Unlicensed Agent (ULA). The inquiry is not prepared to sign off the remaining 17 transfers for the following reasons: 1. Pinhas Zahavi (FLA) has failed to co-operate fully with the Inquiry. There was an initial failure to disclose his involvement in a number of transfers but, more seriously, he has failed to provide the Inquiry with complete bank statements due to the confidential nature of them. There has also been a lack of responsiveness by Zahavi. There remain questions relating to his relationship with and payments to Barry Silkman (LA) and Barry Silkman’s failure to initially disclose his involvement in all the transactions in which he received fees. The Clubs, Club officials and players listed below all co-operated fully with the Inquiry and provided full documentation (including bank statements where requested). There is no evidence of any irregular payments to Club officials or players and they are identified here only as a consequence of the outstanding issues the Inquiry has with the agents identified. As a result, the following transfers remain uncleared: i) Collins Mbesuma (to Portsmouth FC) ii) Ayegbeni Yakubu (to Middlesbrough FC) iii) Fabio Rochemback (to Middlesbrough FC) iv) Didier Drogba (to Chelsea FC) v) Petr Cech (to Chelsea FC) The Inquiry recommends that FIFA are asked to launch their own inquiry into the conduct of Mr Zahavi based on the evidence obtained. 2. Despite his co-operation, the Inquiry has concerns regarding the involvement of Craig Allardyce (at the time a Licensed Agent) in a number of transactions at Bolton Wanderers FC. Mr Gartside and officials currently at the Club have fully co-operated and the Inquiry has found no evidence or suggestion of any irregular payments to them. However, the following three transfers in which Craig Allardyce was involved remain uncleared: i) Ali Al-Habsi (to Bolton Wanderers FC) ii) Tal Ben Haim (to Bolton Wanderers FC) iii) Blessing Kaku (to Bolton Wanderers FC) In respect of i) above, the Inquiry also has remaining concerns about the involvement of Peter Harrison (LA) and his relationship with Craig Allardyce. In respect of ii) and iii) above, the Inquiry has remaining, unanswered concerns about the involvement of Jamie Hart (LA) and David Abou (ULA). In the additional transfer of Julio Correia, the Inquiry has remaining, unanswered concerns regarding the involvement of the following agents in this transfer: Mike Morris (FLA), Eugenio Botas (FLA) and Francis Martin (FLA) and the possible involvement of Craig Allardyce. The Inquiry remains concerned at the conflict of interest that it believes existed between Craig Allardyce, his father Sam Allardyce (the then manager at Bolton Wanderers) and the Club itself. The Inquiry recommends that The FA continue with their investigation into these matters, assisted by the considerable information gathered by Quest. The Inquiry also understands that the Bolton Chairman, Mr Gartside, is prepared to share the results of the Club’s own detailed investigation with the football authorities to assist in this matter. We welcome this development. 3. The Inquiry has still not been able to sign off a further two transfers (in addition to the one listed above) involving Francis Martin. In the transfer of Albert Luque (to Newcastle Utd FC), the Licensed Agent acting on the Club’s behalf was Eugenio Botas. However, the Inquiry still has unanswered questions relating to possible payments made by Francis Martin who Newcastle officials believed was working for the selling club. In the transfer of Michael Essien (to Chelsea FC), again there is no evidence to suggest any irregular payments to Club officials or the player, who all co-operated fully with the Inquiry providing full access to documentation (including bank statements) as requested. However, questions remain unanswered as to the relationship between Francis Martin (buying Club agent), Mike Morris, Fabien Piveteau (player’s advisor) and Thomas Belsoeur (FLA). Again, the Inquiry recommends that The FA and FIFA continue to investigate these matters in the light of the substantial information already obtained by Quest. 4. The following three other transfers remain uncleared: i) Emre Belozoglu (Emre) (to Newcastle United FC) ii) Jean Alain Boumsong (to Newcastle United FC) iii) Amady Faye (to Newcastle United FC) Again we have found no evidence to suggest any irregular payments by or to Club officials relating to the above transfers and Newcastle United officials co-operated fully with the Inquiry and gave full access to documentation (including bank statements) as requested. However, there remain inconsistencies in evidence provided by Graeme Souness (a former manager of the Club) and Kenneth Shepherd (apparently acting in an undefined role but not as a Club official) as to their respective roles in transfer negotiations. In relation to i) above, the Inquiry is not prepared to clear this transfer as it has been unable to obtain the co-operation of the lead agent, Ahmet Bulut (FLA). In relation to ii) and iii) above, these transfers involved payments to Willie McKay (FLA) and, despite a degree of co-operation from Mr McKay, the Inquiry is still awaiting clarification in relation to various documents provided by him. 5. Willie McKay acted for the selling Club, Auxerre, in the transfer of Benjani Mwaruwari (into Portsmouth FC) and for the Portsmouth FC themselves in the transfer in of Alliou Cisse and, for the same reason as above, the Inquiry is not prepared to clear these transfers at this stage. In relation to the first of these, the Inquiry also has identified concerns regarding the role of Teni Yerima (FLA) and Ralph N’Komo in the transfer negotiations. In relation to points 4 and 5, again the Inquiry recommends that The FA and FIFA continue to investigate this matter in light of the information obtained by Quest and that further powers are used to ensure co-operation. 6. There is one other transfer that the Inquiry has been asked by another regulatory authority not to specify in order that its investigations should not be prejudiced by revealing the identity of the transfer. The Inquiry, of course, is compelled to respect this request. 7. In the course of the Inquiry a further matter has become evident that the Inquiry believes should be considered by the Football Authorities. Willie McKay provided information that he had registered a race horse in the name of Harry Redknapp. Harry Redknapp has confirmed that this could well have happened though it was a very unsuccessful horse that resulted in no material gain or reward for him. There is no evidence that this transaction is related to any specific transfer, more a consequence of a long term personal association. Inquiries into this matter should continue.
  14. At the end of the day he might be a fat c***, an idiot, dense, and an embarrassment at times, but he is geordie, and I believe he loves the toon as much as any of us Get well soon. A lot of people saw him in a different light after THAT video, and I hope he doesn't die or anything, get well soon He is no more a Geordie than Nelson Mandela is...He is from Carlisle....thats not a geordie Er, no he's not. He was born in Gilsland (just over the Cumbrian/Northumberland border) but only cos his mam was evacuated from Byker to give birth. My mam was born in the same place in Gilsland after her mam was also evacuated (from Wallsend).
  15. didn't see this until today. Addreses a similar theme. http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/newcastleunited/sundaysun/tm_headline=new-manager%2Dsame-old-problems%2D%26method=full%26objectid=19096139%26siteid=50081-name_page.html
  16. FFS and Big Sam had lunch together at Claridge's today. So say tomorrow's papers apparently. Wonder what was on the menu.
  17. and he's an idiot why? I'm sure he was the guy who slagged off Roeder and FFS after they f***** up in the January transfer window
  18. Owen's goal was a cracking 25-yarder apparently
  19. Scarier still, Roeder also said in that interview that Huntington was a class above anyone on the park for the reserves last night. He was garbage!
  20. Why did Shreeves overstep the mark? Since when did any of the "herd" have the b******s to stand up to Fergie? Ferguson is a truly great manager - probably one of the two or three best ever - but he can also be a complete f***** tit.
  21. Why would Howard and Lescott have kicked off so much at the time if he said something in Turkish? Are they fluent Where did you hear that? I always thought it was said in Turkish and that is why it has all taken so long to sort. I also thought that this was all down to what the ref put in his report and nothing to do with Everton making a complaint. he allegedly said it in english Where did you hear that? I always thought it was said in Turkish and that is why it has all taken so long to sort. I also thought that this was all down to what the ref put in his report and nothing to do with Everton making a complaint. The ref didn't hear anything - this is all based on what the Everton lads heard And why would they have gone ballistic at the time if he'd said it in Turkish?
  22. Good. It's rather nice to see some supporters frustrions reflected in the local rags once in a while, and for that alone Farrington is far from a 'useless b******'. s**** writing, though, innit? The Journal, IMO, have done a far better job summing up events this week and the lads who write for that aren't even Geordies. why is it s****?
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