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Everything posted by magorific

  1. magorific


    at left-back tonight, so I'm told. Ramage and Taylor in the centre, Carr still at right-back (not cos there's nobody else, but cos Roeder says "he has done very well for us this season and he has been consistent . . .")
  2. magorific

    Its Roeder

    Completely agree with all of the above!!!! However from what I can see of Roeder he knows a good player when he see's one, I don't think he'll have any real trouble in the transfer market!!!!! I think the global name of Newcastle united would be enough to attract the standard of player we will be after! And the fact that we pay silly wages . . .
  3. magorific

    Its Roeder

    Spoke to a mate at the Chron, and the job is Roeder's unless the FA insist on him having the Pro Licence. Newcastle have made the case to them, but if they say no, there's a back-up plan to appoint Tommy Craig as manager (officially) and make Roeder DoF until he has the Pro Licence. Surely the FA arent stupid enough to allow a puppet manager to be appointed . . . I've just had a tenner on Craig at 80/1 on betdirect to be safe!
  4. Sounds uncannily similar to the original Jenas transfer involving ProActive, Nott Forest and ourselves. Jenas was under contract with a player agent who was in turn employed by an agency located in Nottingham - an agency that spots & signs up young local talent. At the 11th hour, when we were sniffing around, a week or so before the eventual transfer took place ProActive/Stretford potentially dodged a legal bullet by poaching JJ's agent and in doing so muscled their way in & cashed in resulting transfer deal. I never followed up on the article i read - it was a couple of years ago - but the aggrieved party did lodge an official complaint with the relevant authorities. Aye, I remember that. It turned out the son of Paul Hart (then Forest manager) was working for Proactive!
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