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Everything posted by bovineblue

  1. This is a classic example of what I was saying earlier. People believing one thing that is actually the total opposite of the truth. The NUSC has never once called for the boycott of games, in fact we've made it clear from the start that fans should be at the games. Should look at getting some of this information on the NUSC website. What NUSC have achieved and where people might have their wires crossed. To be fair the information on the site fails to mention any of there boycotts at all under past events. If they say what they have done in the past, what they are doing at the moment and what their plans are for the future people can at least make an informed decision if they want to join.
  2. I've got vague memories of being lectured by a Villa fan when I said something about Villa playing in claret and blue, said something like "We do NOT play in claret and blue, that's West Ham. We play in (insert some very similar sounding colours)" But that could have been another team, it could have been the other way round (West Ham don't play in claret and blue, that's us) or I could have dreamt it. Actually, it could have been a team I referred to as just playing in sky blue I was corrected on. Could you have just been sitting at home playing FM after a big night out?
  3. This is a classic example of what I was saying earlier. People believing one thing that is actually the total opposite of the truth. The NUSC has never once called for the boycott of games, in fact we've made it clear from the start that fans should be at the games. Should look at getting some of this information on the NUSC website. What NUSC have achieved and where people might have their wires crossed.
  4. That promotional brochure Owen put out must have been f***ing amazing! Ashley should get that lot to do up a brochure to con persuade people into paying for season tickets.
  5. Why do you think Given was as pissed off with the regime when he upped sticks? It's because they told him if wants to leave he has to hand in a transfer request. He did the same 'I want out' s*** through his solicitor and maybe one thing Ashley got right was making him hand in a request. These c***s want out but don't want to lose anything by putting in a request. Spineless bastards. They therefore wouldn't put in a transfer request until a deal is virtually done. then the club shouldn't allow them to talk to anyone or accept a bid which isn't ridiculously overpriced until the player hands in the request. I don't think the club would. I'd also guess that there are a lot of players who would get their agent to sniff out what kind of personal terms they could get with a new club on the quiet.
  6. Ashley had a good chance to get out the last time the club was up for sale (possibly at a profit). Nobody met his unrealistic inflated asking price back then. Perhaps the same is true now.
  7. Why do you think Given was as pissed off with the regime when he upped sticks? It's because they told him if wants to leave he has to hand in a transfer request. He did the same 'I want out' s*** through his solicitor and maybe one thing Ashley got right was making him hand in a request. These c***s want out but don't want to lose anything by putting in a request. Spineless bastards. They therefore wouldn't put in a transfer request until a deal is virtually done.
  8. servicing it isn't too bad if you can afford and it's not added to. the problems kick in when you have to borrow more to service the debt amongst other outgoings. And of course you would need to keep increasing the debt to remain competitive. Especially with money you could have used for players or wages now being spent on servicing debt.
  9. Depends on the rate at which the money is borrowed. Probably somewhere between 3.5 and 7m every year.
  10. Notice none of the gutless bastards have put in a transfer request though. FAR too much to lose if they do that. The Club needs to keep a lid on this sort of s*** and ban any player from speaking to the press. This.
  11. I heard a rumour Ashley is overweight. Has anybody tried calling him a fat cunt?
  12. I'd be more in support of it if there was a sporting chance of one of them dying, yes. Just the one?
  13. Would possibly back it if it was an armed revolt and there was a good chance of some of the money grabbing deadwood having their contracts permenantly voided by the authorities (unless of course there is some clause in there about them getting paid even if they turn up to training full of bullet holes or something).
  14. http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o169/bovine_blue/710204-1.jpg Who needs simple and clean when you can take MS paint and adidas it up a bit.
  15. Also our players need to score more goals during matches while also letting the opposition on the day score less goals at the other end. I really think this would improve our chances of winning games. Does anybody else think this strategy could improve the performance of the team?
  16. The truth is too depressing to think about. Can we make up another takeover rumour to cheer things up?
  17. I didn't realise we still had cash owed from Biblical times.
  18. Aye fair play he looked sharp and up for it. <i>Do not hotlink from nufc.co.uk thankyou</i> All down to Shearer's eating an apple on a bike training method TBH.
  19. I hope it mentioned the massive improvement over our previous number 10.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supporters_trust Whats the gist of it? In British sports, a Supporters' Trust is a formal, democratic and not-for-profit organisation of fans who attempt to strengthen their influence over the running of the club they support.
  21. Look how jealous that kid in the background is of him. Tru Dat.
  22. And then what? Do you suggest racking up more and more debt to remain competitive? We have sucessfully cut our debts and where are we competing now? So reduced debt is SOLELY to blame for getting relegated? Don't you think we could have scraped together (at least) another point somewhere through the season without the disasterous series of decisions made by Ashley and his cronies?
  23. And then what? Do you suggest racking up more and more debt to remain competitive? yip. he does
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