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Everything posted by bovineblue

  1. bovineblue


    Personally I'd take it at the moment.
  2. It doesn't look good but I can't give up hope until it's mathematically impossible for us to stay up. I only wish the players felt the same.
  3. Sad thing is that if not for various acts of stupidity from a range of our players over the course of the season, we'd be sitting comfortably in midtable mediocrity.
  4. Gone from a 9 to an 8. Would go down more with a good result on Monday.
  5. Having seen what it looks like with the badges in their normal place, it seems like they've cocked it up just be be a bit different. I love that Northern Rock logo, looks sooo much better without that huge ***** black box. Funny how people can still read that without the black box but according to the shirt designers, names and numbers on the back would be too hard to read on a striped background.
  6. Agreed. I Still love this one. http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll71/ludwigfalkman/magpiesmaglia.jpg http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,52238.msg1374448.html#msg1374448
  7. In 6 minutes and time added Ranger would probably get three or four goals TBH.
  8. His grasp of history seems as good as his grasp of football.
  9. The shit back is just Ashley trying to get you to buy 2 shirts, cut them up and sew the 2 fronts together. The cunning money grabbing cockney mafioso. :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
  10. Doesn't premier mean the first or most important? How can you have two premier leagues?
  11. I WANT, ONE, BILLION, TRILLION................................ BANANAS! http://www.appletreeblog.com/wp-content/2007/06/dr-evil.jpg joke of the year. do you write your own material? cause that was genius. I think it was on a movie like.
  12. Looks like news of Ranger's failure to make the PFA player of the year shortlist has hit Korea.
  13. Nothing to smile about really. We can call it a "frownie" instead. Agreed.
  14. That should give away that it's all made up. My computer crashed 18 time before it could even get the words star and Shola up on the screen at the same time.
  15. http://cache2.asset-cache.net/xc/85835385.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=17A4AD9FDB9CF1937219EE721E785E4A22E3DEE6A7F130C6E30A760B0D811297 Shola asks new boss if he'll still be first name on teamsheet.
  16. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein Is this proof that MA is insane or is he smarter than Einstein?
  17. It's more how the other results went that worried me.
  18. Makes my blood boil that Keegan left and we didn't get a real manager in but got . And then when got sick and we had our final chance to get in somebody who could possibly keep us up, Big Mike tried to save a few pennies and left it to a couple of jokers instead of getting a real manager.
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