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Everything posted by bovineblue

  1. Obvious newspaper bullshit. That doesn't even sound like a bad fake Geordie accent of the telly.
  2. And you thought our squad was low on numbers.
  3. http://technabob.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/chinese-homemade-helicopter.jpg Now that Keegan's contract is sorted, the mystery Malaysians are firing up the chopper for another tour.
  4. The only name that I felt he may have bandied about was Beckham. I really could have seen Keegan approaching him. He is approaching the end of career. With the whole England/World Cup thing, i think the prospect of some form of return to the Premier League may have been a reason for him to at least talk to Kevin. However, what doesnt fit in, especially in light of what came out about the "Commercial" aspect of the Nacho deal, is that I would have been amazed that Ashley would have laughed at that one. Even he could have spotted the Commercial benefit of having Beckam at the club. Even if it was some form of loan deal EDIT : I know Beckhams name isnt in that NOTW report but I thought I recalled his name being mentioned somewhere http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-509702/Keegans-big-Toon-target-David-Beckham.html
  5. Does anyone happen to have a link or a copy of the story that came out about the whole Lampard/Henry signings etc ? http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/1687894/Mike-proves-money-walks.html i look forward to keegan persuing ashley and co through the civil court then. oh and wheres the proof that it was misinformation,as yet i've never heard keegan deny it,thats the sort of thing i'd hoped would come out of the case. Where's your proof that it isn't?
  6. Does anyone happen to have a link or a copy of the story that came out about the whole Lampard/Henry signings etc ? http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/sport/football/article22169.ece http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/1687894/Mike-proves-money-walks.html
  7. What difference does it make who's fault it is? What are the repercussions for the club is what bothers me. Indeed. Who gives a crap who is right is some legal pissing contest between Ashley and Keegan (or more factually Keegan vs NUFC). What I care about is the 10million and where that comes from. We are in being run against what looks like a very tight budget (missing out on loan signings etc). If we're lose ten million quid due to this we could be f***ed in terms of betting promoted. And again despite who is right or wrong in the argument. Keegan has chosen to sue the club. We were relegated and obviously financially stuffed and Keegan still continued with his legal case. Keegan was offered 4 million (allegedly) and he still carries on with his legal case to make an extra couple million. All for personal gain. IMO this makes Keegan a c*** on equal footing with Ashely if not worse. So the players must be c***s for picking up their wages each week. In fact any member of staff picking up their legal entitlements from the club is a bigger c*** than Ashley according to this logic. I mean, nobody should be taking money from the club under the current circumstances. Even if they are legally entitled to it. That's a completely false analogy. Keegan isn't claiming for work that he's done for the club. He's claiming that he should be paid up for the rest of his contract, despite the fact that he left the job early. There's also a suggestion that he's claiming for loss of supposed future earnings at other clubs. All of which would have to come out of the club. In order to support Keegan you have to believe a) that his job had become impossible and b) that it is fair that he gets paid compensation in quite large quantities (note - this is compensation, not earned wages). I find both difficult to accept. There are also posters on here who actually believe that a) and b) are compatible with him 'loving' the club. None of us are on our best behaviour when there's large amounts of money at stake, and we shouldn't get too much on our high horse when someone tries to use grey areas of the law to make money. But we shouldn't look at it in any other way than as blatant self-seeking. All that Keegan will get is what he's found to be legally entitled to. It might be millions, it might be nothing but he won't be getting any money unless it's found (by the people who actually have the evidence in front of them) that he's in the right and the club was in the wrong. In which case, the flow of money out of the club is down to the man that made the poor decisions rather than Keegan. If it proves that Keegan is entitled to that money, I don't exactly see why he's a c*** for not pumping millions of what will effectively be his own cash directly into Ashley's pocket the club. Well if Keegan's entitled to his wages after walking out of a job and fans are going to argue on his behalf from a legal perspective, then they can't really complain if Ashley keeps the club and bleeds it dry either. He put the money down and invested and he's just as entitled as Keegan to cash in I suppose, by that logic. Of course the fans can complain. They can complain about anything they like. They probably couldn't mount a legal objection to anything Ashley does though. I'd just like to know exactly how it's Keegan's fault if it's found that Ashley didn't fulfill his legal and contratual obligations?
  8. What difference does it make who's fault it is? What are the repercussions for the club is what bothers me. Indeed. Who gives a crap who is right is some legal pissing contest between Ashley and Keegan (or more factually Keegan vs NUFC). What I care about is the 10million and where that comes from. We are in being run against what looks like a very tight budget (missing out on loan signings etc). If we're lose ten million quid due to this we could be f***ed in terms of betting promoted. And again despite who is right or wrong in the argument. Keegan has chosen to sue the club. We were relegated and obviously financially stuffed and Keegan still continued with his legal case. Keegan was offered 4 million (allegedly) and he still carries on with his legal case to make an extra couple million. All for personal gain. IMO this makes Keegan a c*** on equal footing with Ashely if not worse. So the players must be c***s for picking up their wages each week. In fact any member of staff picking up their legal entitlements from the club is a bigger c*** than Ashley according to this logic. I mean, nobody should be taking money from the club under the current circumstances. Even if they are legally entitled to it. That's a completely false analogy. Keegan isn't claiming for work that he's done for the club. He's claiming that he should be paid up for the rest of his contract, despite the fact that he left the job early. There's also a suggestion that he's claiming for loss of supposed future earnings at other clubs. All of which would have to come out of the club. In order to support Keegan you have to believe a) that his job had become impossible and b) that it is fair that he gets paid compensation in quite large quantities (note - this is compensation, not earned wages). I find both difficult to accept. There are also posters on here who actually believe that a) and b) are compatible with him 'loving' the club. None of us are on our best behaviour when there's large amounts of money at stake, and we shouldn't get too much on our high horse when someone tries to use grey areas of the law to make money. But we shouldn't look at it in any other way than as blatant self-seeking. All that Keegan will get is what he's found to be legally entitled to. It might be millions, it might be nothing but he won't be getting any money unless it's found (by the people who actually have the evidence in front of them) that he's in the right and the club was in the wrong. In which case, the flow of money out of the club is down to the man that made the poor decisions rather than Keegan. If it proves that Keegan is entitled to that money, I don't exactly see why he's a c*** for not pumping millions of what will effectively be his own cash directly into Ashley's pocket the club.
  9. Looks pretty quick to me, how fast do you want him to be able to go? Aye, he looks rapid once he gets going. Eats up the ground. You'll not get many with his build with the brilliant acceleration. why not? Observed from an inertial reference frame, the net force on a particle is equal to the time rate of change of its linear momentum: F = d(mv)/dt. This law is often stated as, "Force equals mass times acceleration (F = ma): the net force on an object is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its acceleration."
  10. What difference does it make who's fault it is? What are the repercussions for the club is what bothers me. Indeed. Who gives a crap who is right is some legal pissing contest between Ashley and Keegan (or more factually Keegan vs NUFC). What I care about is the 10million and where that comes from. We are in being run against what looks like a very tight budget (missing out on loan signings etc). If we're lose ten million quid due to this we could be f***ed in terms of betting promoted. And again despite who is right or wrong in the argument. Keegan has chosen to sue the club. We were relegated and obviously financially stuffed and Keegan still continued with his legal case. Keegan was offered 4 million (allegedly) and he still carries on with his legal case to make an extra couple million. All for personal gain. IMO this makes Keegan a c*** on equal footing with Ashely if not worse. So the players must be c***s for picking up their wages each week. In fact any member of staff picking up their legal entitlements from the club is a bigger c*** than Ashley according to this logic. I mean, nobody should be taking money from the club under the current circumstances. Even if they are legally entitled to it.
  11. So if Ashley is found to be in the wrong and Keegan wins, it's not actually Ashley's fault that the club will lose that money, it's Keegan's fault for persuing his legal entitlements?
  12. Why? Ashley (Satan eat his soul) has made us beggars - and what can beggars NOT be ? Botherd getting a real job?
  13. http://www.godhatesfags.com/ http://animation.speakfree.net/pics/blogs/San%20Antonio%20August%202009%20071.jpg These guys seem like a nice bunch.
  14. http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o169/bovine_blue/gazza.jpg
  15. How exactly did you decied which of these statements were fact and which were unproven heresay?
  16. In September. Absolutely f***ing pathetic. The lone window open tomorrow so its needed, daft we are having to take this option but well at least we may get a few bodies in. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3278/2554669614_137314b5a9.jpg?v=0 The Lone Window?
  17. Why are you in this thread then? To be honest, news is one thing that this thread lacks.
  18. absolute hogwash of the highest order. if you sign a contract you stick to it if you expect the other to stick to their side. lets say he was s***, would he have admitted it and said, "nah sorry newcastle, i've been s***, you shou;ld be well within your rights to slash my pay"...but no it doesn't work that way. the club have to pay him as per contract regardless of performance...he shouls fulfill his side of the contract likewise. So what would you like him to have done then. fulfill his contract and if he doesn't like it go through the official channels with a written transfer request. Signs for a foreign club with the prospect of playing Champions League Football (that's what they told Enrique at least), a decent Spanish Under 21 International, turns up and the manager is wondering why one of the ball boys is wearing a training kit. He got shafted from the word go. It cannot be assumed he's a slacker, he's good enough to play for his country at U21 but not at relegated Newcastle. The fact the top brass were trying to flog every one of our squad and he didn't go obviously tells you that no-one wanted him back after his year out. It would have been safe to assume on his part that a Spanish side would come in for him. No-one did and he thought his career was over. Don't know why people are being so harsh on him. It'd be far worse if he insisted on rotting in the reserves. he shouldn't be insisting on the reserves . he should be doing his all to get a regular place or putting in a transfer request. if players want clubs to uphold their side of contracts then they have to do likewise. sooner or later players will be in for a shock when a club "does" a player over it. Look I'm not here to score points in a petty forum squabble, but you cannot assume that he wasn't doing just that. IF he wasn't then I'm sure he'd be sent packing by whoever was running the club/team at the time last January, let alone this transfer window. When did he put in a transfer request?
  19. Ashley kind of picked the managers and wouldn't fund getting in the players we needed though. that's the kind of excuse the player's used all last season, and it's a pathetic one, that squad was easily good enough to finish mid-table, once the players are on the pitch, the last thing in their mind should be about what is happening off-the-pitch Pretty sure a decent manager and a little investment in the right players would have kept us up too. Performances on the pitch seemed to be a lot better with Kev in charge for example.
  20. Ashley kind of picked the managers and wouldn't fund getting in the players we needed though.
  21. The thread was good 'till people started moaning about how bad it was.
  22. I see Ranger has one of them mood shirts on in Adam's avatar. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/avs/avatar_2518.png I'd hate to be the guy who got Nile irate.
  23. He probably thinks that we'll do OK without investment in players. Just like he did last season. What could possibly go wrong?
  24. There are only benefits if we get promoted - absolutely none if we don't. He's as thick as s*** but after what didn't happen today I have an inkling that he's realised that. Nothing too much to lose if we don't get promoted though (unless we get relegated again). Crowds are still big. Results are going our way. The economy might improve by next year. Couldn't be hated much more than he already is. Ashley will be wondering if his losses over the year will be worth the gamble. Sad to say but there is little incentive in him selling up right now.
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