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Everything posted by bovineblue

  1. And then what? Do you suggest racking up more and more debt to remain competitive?
  2. I thought they were random Malaysians sent by Ashley to bump up the price in points 4 & 5.
  3. Nay, slightly more sophisticated. We get a penny floater http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/26/Pennyfloater-yellow.JPG/200px-Pennyfloater-yellow.JPG Should go well with the new away strip.
  4. They've pretty much all been nothing articles since the club was put up for sale.
  5. He looks happy not to be wearing that yellow abomination.
  6. bovineblue


    ZOMG half of Tasmania is underwater. I'm screwed.
  7. I'd say it's because we all knew what we were getting with Viduka.
  8. http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/7673/mmlhungry2.jpg http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/7437/mmlhungry.jpg Couldn't decide which one to upload as I like both expressions Closest Ashley will ever get to a salad.
  9. Agree about the ambition thing. I'm pretty sure every owner has the ambition to own the most successful club in the world. Ability to make ambition reality is what's needed here.
  10. http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o169/bovine_blue/190003.jpg Like black and white stripes?
  11. Looks nice. Obviously you need to put a big horrible box around the sponsor to spoil it though.
  12. Leaked image of Ashleys secret "Data Room" http://www.actronics.net/images/old_computer.jpg That's why the sale has been so slow. Big Ash had the computer turned off to save electric and it has taken a couple of weeks to warm up again.
  13. Nobody ever does that except me, they just assume the quote is right. To be fair your exact words (taken completely out of context) were Shearer will be a great manager.
  14. I'd cheat and watch where he was going through my fingers. Wise move.
  15. Straight to DVD eh I do better special effects on my computer for breakfast. That guy's eyebrows are so obviously CGI.
  16. Er, I'm assuming that's their mockup mate. f***s sake, Im actually a thick person. A quick whoosh would have got you out of that. Quick, edit your post and nobody will ever know.
  17. Worked for Australia. http://www.theage.com.au/news/soccer/safran-helps-lift-curse-of-the-socceroos/2005/11/19/1132017027452.html
  18. bovineblue

    Academy land

    Stadium built from broken dreams IIRC.
  19. Season hasn't started and we're already stuck midtable.
  20. Wanted to relive the glory days before he fucked everything up.
  21. Perhaps if him and the rest of the team didn't play such shite football they wouldn't be suffering. Of course the poor players do have their fat pay packets to ease that suffering a little.
  22. Impossible to give somebody with such a large amount of baggage a fresh start.
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