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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. His movement is so important to us, it gives us another dimension to our play which is something we really lacked (ultimately to our detriment) for the first half of the season. Like Sissoko, he's already established himself as a key player in this side. Him and Ben Arfa either side of Cisse and we'll be looking at a very tasty attacking line
  2. The way he performed today is exactly why he has (and always will have) my continuous trust. Added that extra aggression we missed in CM for a while.
  3. Solid performance from him. Should act as a nice confidence boost for him - he'll need a lot of it if he is going to fill in for Krul for the next month or so. Great distribution from him today too.
  4. On the game itself, I can say that it was a rather pleasing day. A solid enough performance for me. We definitely controlled the first half despite Southampton taking the initiative and scoring within the first 5 minutes. The second half put me on edge when they scored to make it 2-2 but it was pleasing to see that our heads didn't drop and we just kept at it. Another good thing to come from this game is us coming back from a losing position once again (!). Still would like to know what Pardew says at half time mind. We always come out and start second halves really slowly and that really does let the opposition get back into it. Still, twas a good win and it's onwards and upwards.
  5. Should I watch the League Cup Final then?
  6. What, the kissing on cheeks? It's a perfectly normal greeting in their culture AFAIK. With your closest friends though? I knew that they kissed on the cheek, but I thought it was at informal parties and such. Yes, makes more sense in their case what with them having grown up together.
  7. What, the kissing on cheeks? It's a perfectly normal greeting in their culture AFAIK. Yep
  8. Definitely an European thing like.
  9. Did Pardew really have to say "the other guy" ? Think we can all agree on what he's said about Williamson but to describe him as the "other guy" is disrespectful. Oh Alan...
  10. I still have some trust in Harper so I'd give him the nod ahead of Elliot. My reasoning for this would be that of Harper's PL experience and I also think his distribution can be decent at times (even though we've only seen it once this season). Would have no qualms with Elliot starting mind, he's shown in his outings this season that he can be a steady enough keeper.
  11. Does Liverpool's demise mean that one of our Europa games will finally be shown on ITV?
  12. I've missed a lot of our European games this season But overall (judging from the comments on here) it does really sound like our performances in the Europa have been professional and solid enough (most of the time any way). Pleasing. Pleased to know that we've got through to the last 16 though
  13. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The infamous Pardew mind games at the forefront again like.
  14. Also, Rosicky. He's the big man for the big game. Got my backing. I approve of your signature Cheik's still got my backing and trust. Sure, his form isn't as good as his first season but he's still a key player for me.
  15. Arsenal's predicament tonight was predictable like, especially considering Arsene's recent press conference.
  16. Oh aye, my bad. Finding it quite hard to think of them from outside us. Aye, it's very hard - I was going to post a team but then realised I couldn't really think of anyone apart from the obvious ones.
  17. On current form, I'd say Forster in goal like.
  18. Good point. For some reason, I thought Bradford moved stadiums.
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