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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I assume the Scottish and Northern Irish FAs banned their players from being selected. Chip on their shoulders etc.
  2. Didn't Palace want something like £10 million for him? Think it was wise we didn't go that far...
  3. A Pardew-inspired renaissance is on the way tbh.
  4. My gut feeling is that this deal isn't dead yet. Though if I'm being honest, I would rather we concentrate more on getting a potential deal for Douglas over the line...
  5. I'm content with that. Not bad really.
  6. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Good luck to him. Disappointed to see him go but that's life/football - hope he does well and properly excels in the Championship (might even put a bet on him to be top scorer next season...).
  7. Tino's headers against Barça were brilliant like.
  8. If Gary leaves, can see Gabby stepping up. (Otherwise there's Manish/Colin Murray...).
  9. Last month would have been hell without it mind. Indeed. Hoping to get a little fix from Olympic footy before the season starts. I know most people don't seem to care but I love watching the Olympics personally. Same here, looking forward to Olympic football already. Will be interesting to see how team GB get on.
  10. Ouch. Now that is really harsh.
  11. Harsh on Italy but got to hand it to Spain, when they actually turn it on, they really do look brilliant.
  12. Thread title's changed I see. Brutal truth ftw.
  13. Not that an Italian goal is imminent like...
  14. One goal for Italy and the complexion of the game will change...
  15. Guess it really is game over now. Ah well.
  16. Great save from Casillas. Fuck.
  17. Bloody hell, such great skill there.
  18. No contest, Zlatan's goal all the way.
  19. I see Shearer's got his "special" trousers on again.
  20. Italy were doing well enough to get back into the game but this is Spain they're playing so it's surely impossible for the 2nd half to be anything but a non-event. Aye, the Italians had somewhat found their rhythm but that second Spain goal will knock them back a bit. The half-time teamtalk is going to be very vital.
  21. So, is that game over? Howay Italy.
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