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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Going to be a long match for the Irish...hope they get through all the French pressure.
  2. Well done Ireland! Enjoyed that goal/win as much as an England win. Was watching the game in Walkabout in Manchester and I was sat on a table next to a group of 30 or so Italy fans - their faces at the full time whistle man, they looked as if they just watched their team get knocked out of the Euros
  3. Am I too late to get involved in this?
  4. Needless to say, this is absolutely fantastic news! Absolutely buzzing at the moment and our future now suddenly looks a lot brighter!
  5. If that's true about Krul, then whatever respect I have for him will be gone.
  6. Sifu


    Huh, there's a match on?!
  7. I actually like the idea of it.
  8. Please let this happen, please!!!
  9. I've just had to write a very long text message to my mate to explain why Pardew leaving was a good thing for us.
  10. Sifu


    An absolutely deserved relegation. No-one should be surprised that it's happened, it's been a long time coming. Having said all that, why do I still feel gutted?
  11. Many congratulations to Leicester. Much deserved.
  12. I went to Shark Bar for the West Brom game, seemed watchable enough. That's where I'm going to go today anyway!
  13. I'm inevitably going to be watching this in a pub full of City fans so absolutely hoping for a win for us... Please win
  14. The main issue with Shelvey is once he has no space to work with, he's pretty useless. This weakness has been exploited quite a lot recently so it was the right call to drop him today imo. It's certainly come to the point that he shouldn't be starting our remaining games.
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