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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. On the plus side, won't have to watch this cunt of a club next season, what with the lack of all Championship games being broadcast live.
  2. Mike Dean is going to be the referee for this...he's going to f*** us over, he always does whenever he referees our games.
  3. Sifu


    As dick-ish as it sounds, need Rooney to get injured just before the Euros.
  4. Absolutely fucking delighted about this. Fuck yes!
  5. And there it is...excitement. Hope to fuck that this actually happens. Would (and should) be the morale boost to the club, fans and players. Let's hope for some good news tomorrow morning/afternoon.
  6. Sifu

    Gateshead FC

    Full time, 3-2 to Gateshead. Not a great performance from Gateshead really but still an enjoyable night imo.
  7. Sifu

    Gateshead FC

    Going to see these lot at Altrincham tonight...I'm actually looking forward to it!
  8. Sifu

    Steve McClaren

    Oh for fuck's sake, the man is deluded.
  9. That would be indeed be perfect...for me anyway, just so I can say "I told you so" to all the idiots at work who championed Pardew a few months ago. Yes, I am that petty.
  10. My Newcastle supporting workmates once again tried to convince me the other day that letting the c*** Pardew go was a mistake. Good thing I gave up on their opinions a long time ago. Winds me up that some people still think Pardew wasn't a problem.
  11. Mike f***ing cuntface Dean. He can f*** right off.
  12. I'll get a summary written down later on.
  13. Ooooh good sign. We need a link to a Bordeaux forum for more snooping. Fans insights are always valuable. The Bordeaux fans' comments wouldn't look too out place on this forum tbh [emoji23]
  14. Just been having a skim read through the comments on Bordeaux's Facebook page, none of their fans are particularly happy with Saivet coming to us - they highly rate him.
  15. Sifu

    Happy New Year N-O!

    Happy New Year all. Hopefully, 2016 will be a good one for you all!
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