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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Merry Christmas N-O

    Happy Christmas to all! Hope you all had a brilliant day
  2. Abhorrent person, this kid. Unbelievable attitude. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this opinion. Canny player but he's such a fucking cunt.
  3. Daylight robbery at Bramall Lane.
  4. The inevitable "Pardew in" messages/texts have been filtering in from my workmates yesterday and today. I'm going to ignore any sort of football conversation at work tomorrow morning because I know all too well what my workmates will say to me: "you shouldn't have let Pardew go" and "I bet you're regretting letting Pardew go" etc. Judging from past conversations I've had with my workmates, even I was to explain why Pardew was a problem at NUFC and that him leaving was a good thing, I'll still be met with the same answer: "but look at Pardew now!". No-one actually listens to my reasoning/explanation whatsoever.
  5. Is this your first game since Spurs away last year? If so, I'll see you as a lucky omen...
  6. Definitely not looking forward to this. We're blatantly going to lose and then the amount of stick I'm going to get on Monday morning at work on the back of that will be unbearable...
  7. Sifu

    Paul Dummett

    What annoyed me the most about today's game was Dummett's constant backwards passing - completely slowed the game down and it was such negative play. He's simply not a full back.
  8. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/11/07/2a5cdad840c849586b1cbcd470509ec2.jpg
  9. Jonathan Pearce's voice hurts my ears.
  10. A win by any means will do me. Anything to stop the rot against the mackems.
  11. Your workmate wants a drone-strike in the face. He's a good lad, unfortunately he's one of those fans who constantly complains about the team but then when something like SackPardew.com comes along, he's all "Pardew is doing a good job". Grrr.
  12. Whenever I talk about football at work, everyone keeps saying to me, "I bet you want Pardew back" and that's annoying the fuck out of me (though what's more annoying is one of my workmates is also a NUFC fan and he was always pro-Pardew and he still thinks Pardew shouldn't have left). It will be a glorious day when this cunt fails at Palace.
  13. I predict the following: We'll score first and in doing so, the atmosphere becomes very tense in St James'; we'll then sit back and defend but eventually we'll crack under the pressure and concede 2 goals in the last 5 minutes.
  14. Fully support Jonas over this. The way he was treated here was disgusting. Hope he rinses the fuck out of a disgrace that is this football club.
  15. My train has just been cancelled but should still be at Central by 10:15. If I'm not there by half 10, just go on ahead and I'll make my own way down.
  16. wonder if Sifu is bringing a pair with him. I will indeed be bringing gloves. Your a gentleman and a scholar Might be outlandish of me but can I start in net?
  17. wonder if Sifu is bringing a pair with him. I will indeed be bringing gloves.
  18. Google reckons that all the buses that stop at Stop D outside Central goes straight there...
  19. Sifu


    A massive 10, anything other than a win against Norwich and that's relegation confirmed for me.
  20. I'll be heading up from Manchester on the train that morning so can meet you at Central and go from there?
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