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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Is Coloccini the type to give Simpson an earful in such situations? Maybe those who sit behind the goals can help answer that? Well the Spurs game at St. James' last season comes to mind. I remember Colo (and Harper) giving Simpson a right earful after we conceded that late Lennon goal (Simpson kept backing off which allowed Lennon too much space).
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Quite literally doesn't know anything. Probably just his own opinions and a bit of a guess at what the general feeling might be. Some of his tweets are a disgrace and embarrassing and what about blog on the tyne I've also seen him championing Ryan Taylor an awful lot lately, saying he should be in with a shout of getting player of the year Ryder is quite frankly, one of the worst journalists to have ever graced the North East. Chief Sports Editor for the Chronicle ffs
  3. What happened? Was it that eye injury? EDIT: ah cruciate ligament injury to his knee. Ouch indeed.
  4. He definitely did that on a few occasions yesterday which was good to see but unfortunately his poor decision making is still there. Not as frustrating as he was a month ago though. Progress methinks.
  5. Sifu

    Harry Redknapp

    Can honestly see him "being made an example of". The shite he's come out with during this trial man, there really is some dodgyness there. Rosie 47 ffs!
  6. Sifu


    I'm liking Raylor's profile picture. Great choice
  7. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    It's called having a squad though isn't it mate, it's daft how much people on here panic when we've got more than one decent player for each position. Indeed, it is great for squad depth that we have a player who is more than capable of doing a job when the first choice player is out. However, will Guthrie be happy being second fiddle to Tiote and Cabaye? He might want more regular football elsewhere (which is understandable) so like I've said, hope he signs a new contract. We've seen already that Tiote and Cabaye aren't going to be fit / not suspended at the same time for much of the time, and that's just accounting for when we play 4-4-2 tbh. Guthrie will get in the side when he's playing this sort of football most of the time and Pardew will tell him so if he's not daft. Fair points and Tiote will presumably be off to the ACoN again next year so yeah, I guess Guthrie will continue to get opportunities.
  8. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    It's called having a squad though isn't it mate, it's daft how much people on here panic when we've got more than one decent player for each position. Indeed, it is great for squad depth that we have a player who is more than capable of doing a job when the first choice player is out. However, will Guthrie be happy being second fiddle to Tiote and Cabaye? He might want more regular football elsewhere (which is understandable) so like I've said, hope he signs a new contract.
  9. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Hopefully the lad will sign a new contract. Though there is that dilemma on what to do when Cabaye and Tiote are back. It would be really harsh to drop Guthrie but I honestly think Cabaye and Tiote are better players. However, I really think Guthrie can do a job in a midfield 3. It's not outside the realms of possibility.
  10. I'm pretty sure I just never wanted Spurs to win before this one Spurs thrashing them tomorrow would be very nice indeed. We'd end up being 4 points ahead of them. (so first, it was Man U I was cheering for, now Spurs? The world's gone mad )
  11. If we get all of these players, I'd be well chuffed.
  12. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pretty confident that the lad has a future here. I'll trust Pardew to handle the situation correctly (I know, I know, Alan hasn't really managed it properly in the past). I hope Pardew is giving him reasons for why he didn't start today and that Ben Arfa is taking it on the chin and ultimately learning. These days, the lad knows that he has to work hard if he's going to get anywhere near Pardew's first-choice lineup (we saw in recent games that he does do quite a bit of tracking back). I'm not worried as such about Hatem. With players such as Cabaye and Tiote around him, he'll be more of an influence as Yohan and Cheik do offer a lot more movement and look for the ball more than Guthrie (maybe a bit harsh on Danny here, his overall stamina has improved this year but it's not as good as Cabaye's) and Perch (no disrespect to these lads like, they've been solid recently).
  13. The way I see it is that we deserve to be where we are. This is primarily a results game and for the most of this season, we've been getting the right results, so our position is somewhat justified. The teams around us, at times, have simply not been getting the results that they should be getting (the likes of Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal not being able to beat some of the more lesser teams for example). Having said that, some of our performances have been really crap so there is that hint that we are overachieving (eg. the Blackburn game at Ewood which we really did not deserve to win). Atm though, I think we are certainly the "best of the rest" (outside the top 6). But the fact of the matter is that, we are 5th - we are where we are, the table doesn't lie. With a few additions in the summer (and hopefully no outgoings), we can really push on and prove, in seasons to come, that we can be a formidable force and sustain challenges for the top 7.
  14. AC Milan Kaka was brilliant to watch too actually. I particularly liked how he essentially destroyed Man U in the CL many years ago.
  15. 60 points with 2 to play. My best week in ages, the only way is up
  16. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    A point behind 4th Can't be said enough for me, all credit to Pardew and the lads.
  17. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    I get the feeling Pards is a lot more comfortable with the idea of Ben Arfa being on the pitch when one or both of Tiote/Cabaye is behind him for precisely that reason. Like you say he's capable of individual moments but he's going to shine with players who show for the ball and make space better than, with all due respect, guthrie and perchy. Hmmm, think that's a reasonable assessment actually.
  18. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Olivier is pretty much our permanent translator He also translated for Tiote last season too! (when Cheik first came to the club anyway). Its a good interview, how he laughed when told Ba won't teach him English Maybe it's time for me to get nufcTV, hmmm.
  19. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Olivier is pretty much our permanent translator He also translated for Tiote last season too! (when Cheik first came to the club and didn't know much English). http://www.nufc.co.uk/javaImages/b2/f5/0,,10278~9172402,00.jpg
  20. A draw would be a great result. I am, however, a bit worried about our midfield being completely overrun. Hmmm.
  21. Detestable w*****. Slag off the linesman - they've committed the crime of giving two penalties at Old Trafford but didn't give one today. It wasn't Howard Webb's fault though. Know where to keep your bread butterd and get more s*** decisisons given your way, you sour old c***. I see Fergie was at it again
  22. Boohoo Charlie. First time I've actually seen this photo!
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