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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Potentially letting Ben Arfa go for THREE f***ing MILLION POUNDS?! What a f***ing joke that is. Surely Ashley has to ask questions of Pardew on how Ben Arfa's valuation has diminished that much, especially considering Pardew is the manager? Pardew needs a right old bollocking, f***ing c***, the sack will do.
  2. Compilations and memories are all we have left of Ben Arfa. Bon courage wherever you go Hatem.
  3. Phil Dowd showed new levels of incompetence today. The blatant favouritism towards Liverpool was disgusting. He's trying too hard to be the new Howard Webb, f***ing useless c***. The referees in this country man, f***ing dicks (the PL are equally to blame as well).
  4. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Goodbye Shola. (Still not sure how he got sent off though).
  5. Sifu

    Pre-Season 2014

    I can feasibly make all those games fine. Pissups galore.
  6. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    My Nigerian workmate told me today that he will refuse to watch the World Cup if Shola gets selected in the final squad. Haha.
  7. People who don't watch us week in, week out really know f*** all. They're in no position to tell me how I should feel.
  8. In another debate about all things Newcastle, Pardew and protests with my workmates, the old "a lower league team would love to be in the position you're in" argument was being used. I became very irate, one of the worst discussions I've had ever - so I can't complain about/criticise my club just because some lower league team are in the s***? f*** off.
  9. Sifu

    More than a Forum?

    We did have a shop iirc (well only for the sale of t-shirts...).
  10. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    He's staked a claim for Nigeria's World Cup squad really, 2 goals in 2 consecutive home games against continental opposition (albeit Wales).
  11. For the first time ever in my life as a Newcastle United supporter, I didn't celebrate any of our goals yesterday and I couldn't help but feel disappointed that we won. Fuck everything.
  12. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Not to sound like a broken record or anything but a bit more ambition and a scenario where we didn't sell Cabaye could have saw us signing Remy on a permanent transfer. We're screwed next season like, the distinct lack of firepower upfront is frightening.
  13. Let's hope he never plays football again. He doesn't deserve to.
  14. Should Ben Arfa leave (which is looking to be the case unfortunately), hope he succeeds at whichever club he goes, just to, once and for all, show up Pardew for being the c*** and fraud that he is. Most of the media seem to have forgotten the Tevez/Mascherano situation - look where they are now under managers who are not Pardew...
  15. Right, that's it, Pardew's reached a level which I thought was unreachable but he's done it: he's a bigger cunt than Souness and Allardyce put together. Well done cunt, you've excelled yourself.
  16. Didn't realise Birmingham were doing that s****...
  17. The world's run by cunts.
  18. I'm hoping for a nice surprise tomorrow morning with regards to this c***. Please f*** off. My workmate kept commenting on how angry I was tonight when we were watching the game, I think he's understanding...
  19. Interesting proposal and one which I actually like the sound of...
  20. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Well, this is an unexpected turn of events...but good on Ben Arfa for standing up for himself. The amount of shit he has to endure from Pardew is sickening - it's always "Hatem this, Hatem that" but it's never any other player in the spotlight. Fuck Pardew, vive Ben Arfa.
  21. It's the hope that will destroy you. Fuck this season.
  22. Sifu


    There's always something to ruin weekends even when we're not playing...
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