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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Remy Cabella

    As soon as I saw the thread title change, I just knew our lot have actually been doing f*** all to get this over the line. Maybe this will mean Cabaye will stay (until the summer at least?) - wishful thinking I know!
  2. Where do you suppose we progress to? Regular Champs League is out of the question unless we're bought out by rich Arabs (Financial Fair Play could of course crush that too). The Europa League is piece of sh*t, and any player of true class wouldn't care to be involved. What's that leave? The FA Cup and League Cup?! The reality is, unless you're in the Champs League, you can't expect to hold onto these sort of players. There is that new incentive of the Europa League winners qualifying for the Champions League...
  3. Just did a search and aye, L'Equipe TV mentioned in the summer that he was set to join Monaco after passing a medical - obviously we know how that turned out. So aye, no-one really knows what's going with this really, well apart from our idiots from above.
  4. This is about the only time I want Lee to be correct.
  5. Cabaye's departure was always inevitable but I really thought we would have him on our books until the summer. I'm simply not ready to see him leave - I would have been prepared for it in the summer but to potentially see him leave now, in the middle of the season, is rather gutting.
  6. My mate's starting stressing about an impending bid from Man U. I, on the other hand, am feeling calm.
  7. Sifu


    I imagine whoever printed that will have got the sack by now...
  8. Sifu


    On that note, it's the Year of the Horse this year and the Derby is a day after New Year... This could go wrong...
  9. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    It's a no brainer but I do worry about Pardew trying to keep Taylor "happy" by continuing to play him at CB - Pardew has had priors. yeah but not for the previous 6 months. True but there does exist that element of doubt in the back of my mind with Pardew actually doing the right thing.
  10. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    It's a no brainer but I do worry about Pardew trying to keep Taylor "happy" by continuing to play him at CB - Pardew has had priors.
  11. Fuck you Allardyce, you cunt. Have that.
  12. First half was canny but as soon as West Ham scored their goal seconds before half time, you just knew that they were going to take the initiative in the second half and we were going to sit back. And lo behold, that second half was as stressful as ever which is something we really shouldn't be surprised about. Pardew is set in his ways and would much prefer to sit back rather than pushing up. He seems more happy to push up against the big teams rather than the smaller teams actually. Great result though and it's great to get one over that c*** Allardyce, hope West Ham get relegated.
  13. Sifu

    Remy Cabella

    From the verge of a bid to "will join NUFC". I do believe this is happening... However, Kinnear will inevitably f*** up the deal by calling Cabella Cinderella during the final negotiations, thereby offending Cabella.
  14. Classy. Disgusting if true. Wouldn't put it past him after the way he blamed our youngsters for the 3-0 loss to Bordeaux last season.
  15. Marveaux has done more for us than Gosling and Amalfitano combined. He's still done almost nothing considering he's been here for more than 2 1/2 seasons now. Doesn't help that Pardew doesn't want to play him - he was pretty much unfairly dropped last January when he was on a great run of form (his best form for us during his time at the club anyway) and when he had the confidence to take the initiative during games. FWIW, I rate Marveaux (something which I've repeatedly said in the past whenever this thread has been bumped) - I really do believe that we've got a tidy player with good technique here and we just can't ignore his contributions last season whenever he was called upon (his assists leading to important Cisse goals for instance). Think he has bit of an attitude issue and that's more than likely why he hardly features anymore.
  16. Marveaux has done more for us than Gosling and Amalfitano combined.
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