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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. He's been dealt an absolute shit hand. We have ageing players from the 2016/17 Championship season still being in the first team squad who have clearly regressed and devoid of confidence and we have continental clubs taking the piss out of us with transfer fees thus far this month. Howe appears to have identified our defence being a weak point, which probably explains our eagerness to get two new CBs in - I'd like to believe that's something in Howe's favour. Howe needs the right sort of players to play in his system for it to be effective but we have too many dickheads/incapatible players for it to work. Personally, still have faith in Howe but, admittedly, what needs to be said is he needs to work on the front 3 movement - need the likes of ASM and Fraser to get closer to the main striker. What happened with Wood today has been happening with Wilson for a while.
  2. Think Rafa will get until the end of the season. You don't sanction signings and outgoings only to get rid of the manager who wanted them a week later. Regarding our match with Everton in a few weeks, have a horrible feeling that because Rafa has a bit of knowledge of the weaknesses of our (current) starting CBs and LBs (because it's not really changed in 2/3 years) that he'll be able to exploit it and get a win.
  3. Not online or on TV, nope. Be a matter of going to a game at Druid Park in Woolsington.
  4. I'm all in on this (based on nothing but probably desperation).
  5. Sifu

    Kieran Trippier

    Delighted with this. An excellent signing indeed! Can't wait to see him lining up 25/35 yard free kick at goal (last time we had anyone like that was Cabaye, someone you would be confident of scoring from that situation).
  6. And about the game, such an unlucky result; we definitely deserved the win! Man U were awful and their fans were as shit as ever...still singing about Shearer man
  7. Absolutely loved what the Leazes Corner were singing at Ronaldo - "you're just a shit Joelinton!"
  8. As nice as a thought this is, I imagine his appetite for the game (in respect of the operations side at least) is long gone now.
  9. My plans for tonight have gone out the window (Book of Mormon just got cancelled) so I suppose I could watch this now...
  10. Maybe Manquillo instead of Fraser but at LB, when your other option is Ritchie, I'd rather have Lewis.
  11. Will most likely be a 3-4-3 with wing backs (and what I'd go for as well personally): Dubravka Schar Lascelles Fernandez Fraser Lewis Hayden Shelvey Joelinton Wilson ASM As much as I want to see Almiron start, if it is a wing back system, he's going to be nowhere near the starting line up. Keep the score down as respectable as possible, another riot like yesterday wouldn't do the players' confidence any favours. EDIT: I'm also missing this as I'm going to see The Book of Mormon on Thursday evening.
  12. Sifu

    Joe Willock

    Only as part of a three though, with two players behind him basically mopping up and doing the nitty gritty. Thing is though, if we are to have an AM in a three, I think I'd rather have Almiron in there as think that's as close we'll get him to playing in his natural #10 position without actually playing him there.
  13. Sifu

    Joe Willock

    Today has definitely confirmed that Willock prefers more time and space/freedom to function as a competent footballer, he clearly can't handle additional responsibilities in a two man midfield and just panics on and off the ball. It's actually got to a point where you can see Shelvey covering for Willock's deficiencies and that speaks volumes. Time to take him out of the team and put Hayden in (certainly for the next 3 matches). What a bitter disappointment he's turning out to be.
  14. Gutted I'm not going to the match today! Going to be playing a Burnley team for my rugby club this afternoon - here's hoping for a double win today for that and NUFC.
  15. Sifu

    Joe Willock

    A distinctly "meh" performance. He can't play in a midfield two, doesn't get stuck in as much as he should. The fact that Shelvey is our best CM atm (and fair play, he's played out of his skin since Howe came in) should say something.
  16. While tonight's result is an absolute downer and things look rather bleak next month, there's still that hint of hope in my mind that we'll stay up - we've improved little by little as a team so call it blind optimism or whatnot but once we become a real cohesive unit with Howe's ethos fully instilled (and with the right individuals in the team), I can see our fortunes changing. For the first time in a long time, all fans are fully into it all again with a sense of hope. The fans will be just as important as the players. It's going to be tight finish come May and it won't be pretty along the way but I'm still just about of the opinion that we'll stay up. 4/10 atm.
  17. I notice Wilson is captain tonight. Must mean Shelvey has been relieved of vice-captain (good)
  18. Currently making my way up for the match, feeling ok at the moment but fully expect to shit myself with nerves once I get inside the ground...
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