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Everything posted by Elma

  1. Apparently as in the papers? Apparently, as in a little nudge I've had this evening from someone who should have a decent insight. I see, I seem to remember you being well informed about things actually so I'll take your work for it. Who is the bottom one btw? Can't find him on google. Real Sociedad...
  2. Apparently as in the papers? Apparently, as in a little nudge I've had this evening from someone who should have a decent insight.
  3. Apparently already tapped up are: Marcelino Garcia Toral Miguel Angel Lotina Juanma Lilo ..with Toral the favourite.
  4. KK could rest Viduka now we're safe. Interesting to see whether he goes for it and tries to catch them.
  5. I would sell them both and I think Keegan will too. It's a shame as both of them would fit very well into the sort of football KK wants to play, although Zog wants away and Emre, at a time when other players are fighting to be involved to help the club get away from the bottom, just doesn't seem interested. At the moment, Zog is in France and Emre is in Istanbul. Keegan will always take the line that no one is bigger that the club and he won't like that attitude. In contrast, when Duff was injured he went to most games, home and away, to support the team. I expect Keegan to big them up as much as possible and get as much for them as possible (4.2 million for Ruel Fox anone???). He'll probably want to give them both some football before season's end to try to justify an inflated fee.
  6. Elma

    Harper or Given?

    this. if given was a liner before, he's even more so now he's lost his bottle. would rather see the back of them both though Can't believe this opinion...since I was a kid we have had some really poor keepers. Given and Harper are among the best keepers we've ever had, and although Given may not be as good as he was pre-Harewood, we still have a pair of keepers most in the premiership would swap with. Personally I think that Harper is showing some decent form having had a run in the team, and it should act as a challenge to Given to try and get his place back.
  7. Elma

    Players in public

    Its obas, it has replaced the ferrari often parked at the baltic where his shag pad is My brother rented a place in the same block last September while he was over from the US. Never saw either of them but Emre and Martins' cars were in the garage the whole week he was staying there.
  8. Shola and Carroll both to be considered..think he might go for Shola as he's been training all week and is technically the safer option being the more experienced senior pro. I'd go for Carroll... :parky: I guess Shola might want to stay now Fat Sam's gone..I guess it can't all be good news.....
  9. I noticed most stuff is discounted. Fair play to Ashley....the kits are decent value at 20% off and he's simply maximising the marketing potential. Considering he's apparently wiped off 90 million debt and made the club solvent I don't care if he's trying to make a quick buck. Designs are crap though.. What I realised while in there browsing the retro kits is that I think the next home kit should be a reproduction of the simple 1980 or 1984 home efforts, with maybe the only variation being the three stripes. IMHO would look uncluttered and smart amongst today's premiership kits and stand out as a classic.
  10. Elma

    Fave KK memory?

    Ooh...possibly that one for me too. I took a minibus from uni as I ran the football supporters club at the time. Other memories were sitting on my dads shoulders and grabbing KK's jacket as he walked in the players entrance before a 1-0 defeat away to Burnley in his spell as a player...I didn't think he'd noticed me but he turned round, smiled and said, 'Hello son..'. One final one is probably the day I knew his first spell as manager was going to be special...a 3-1 home win over Portsmouth when Quinn came in and got 2, I think Kelly got the other. We played some magnificent flowing football that day and the folowing day there was an editorial in a national tabloid saying that if you hadn't already you really had to go along and witness the Keegan revolution at St James...it was full of superlatives.
  11. Wherever he ends up I think he is one that will really flourish now. Milner too. If he sorts his attitude out then Emre might look a lot better playing under Keegan, although he's just made the start difficult as he won't be used in the first three fixtures at least. I actually think quite a few of the current crop could be 'Keegan-type' players. I won't be too disappointed if we don't do much this window and he spends the rest of the season working out what he wants to do in the summer. Think we have the squad to be comfortably in the top half under the right manager.
  12. Elma

    Kevin Keegan

    Seriously? Link/thread please.....not that I don't believe you you understand.... EDIT: Thank you...good source!
  13. You don't have to buy it. All I'm saying is that there are loads of reasons he may not want too. Doesn't mean to say he doesn't want or wouldn't do a good job at the club. He feels he doesn't need to - I'm not going to challenge him on that. If the hierarchy feel he is inexperienced and therefore won't be considered without a previous managerial role (and that eventually means he never gets it) then thats the way of life. He's just stated his position that's all. He feels he's ready. Mort and Ashley may disagree. By the way, although it's not relevant to my arguement, the fact he moved as an unmarried teenager is completely different to someone with a wife and three kids. I travelled a lot with work eight years ago....I wouldn't now.
  14. To be honest that's not something we should be using to hit him over the head with. He's been in the area for 12 years now, around his family. He's settled and his son is still quite young. Taking on a smaller club might not fit with his personal circumstances as it would probably mean moving and I don't think anyone here is in a position to make those decisions for him. Therefore, whether he gets the gig now, later or not at all, will ultimately be down to whoever is running the club at the time. I can't see him being any more experienced the next time the job comes around. Personally I'd talk to him and see what he would be prepared to go with. I think he's got the brains and personality to make a good job of it, and if he is prepared to work with someone more experienced or he will bring in someone like Newell to help him, then I'd be quite happy.
  15. Personally, of the overseas coaches I'd be happy with Van Gaal and I'd settle for Houllier. Of the British lot, I'd prefer Shearer, perhaps with Newell. I'd rather not go back over old ground but I'd still prefer Keegan over Hughes, Redknapp or any of the other realistic British candidates, simply for the fact that it would generate a bit of atmosphere and be fun to go to again. One of the reasons KK left was the Plc, and I guess the fact that we're private again now is a factor in him putting himself forward (or at least not ruling himself out) this time. I do think that because it's Ashely and Mort rather than Shepherd means we will have a greater choice. If they are serious about Houllier, then surely they need to have a word with Cacapa.
  16. Elma

    Souness On Sky Now

    long been suspected. I heard at the time that Luque was nothing to do with Souness. I posted it on here in fact and if I could be arsed to trawl through my old posts I would stick the link up. I believe him completely...Shepherd was the true cancer of the club. In saying that I wouldn't touch Souness with a barge-pole now. His football was a crap as Allardyce's and that could be seen by the immediate impact Roeder and Shearer had when they took over.
  17. I know Emre is in Germany at the moment seeing a specialist (again). Perhaps it's a ruse to work on a transfer? Just me putting 2x2 together.... Emre5 - I was watching TV yesterday and there was an advert for Hurriyet. On the page they used, there was a headline like 'Transfer bombshell' and Emre was mentioned. I noticed that the date was for 30 December but it was only up a couple of seconds so I didn't have chance to make sense of it. Did you read it on 30 December? Was that relating to Monaco or something else? Unfortunately I don't read Hurriyet every day.
  18. Didn't think that would get the go-ahead to be honest. I thought that those in the council who would have seen it through had their hands tied due to a conflict of interest? Come as a bit of a surprise that....
  19. Harper Taylor Cacapa Faye Enrique Milner Butt Barton N'Zogbia Owen Smith
  20. Same here...pity you couldn't vote for three.
  21. if he is a free transfer (out of contract)would the fener chairman need to be told who the player is talking to? in this case he may be the last to know. I would have thought that as Fener will still be involved due to the fact they are holding his registration, then I guess he would know, yes. The fact that he specifically states two teams suggest that there has at least been dialogue between Fener and those two.
  22. In the Turkish national paper Hurriyet it only mentions Brum and Man City I'm afraid. The quotes are from the Fenerbahçe chairman Aziz Yıldırım, so a reasonably reliable source I guess. Maybe Sam just hasn't formally made a move as yet?
  23. A good summary...judging by your username you are a Galatasaray fan, or is that just a coincidence?
  24. Are you sure it's pronounced Yokdeniz? That doesn't mean anything in Turkish whereas Gokdeniz does. I saw him a few times at the back end of last season. A good player. Others who impressed me were the holding midfielder Mehmet Aurélio, and Tümer Metin.
  25. Was my first choice, but still thinking of othters.. I remember jet lagged Tino, straight off the plane and straight onto the bench. My dad took his kit down that day as they weren't expecting him to play...work permit didn't come through till late. He had to go into the club shop and get a shirt printed up with Tino's name and number on, then drive down the A19 with it and his boots. To answer the original question, for me it has to me Mickey Quinn. I'm too young to remember Supermac's.
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