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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    Aye, you're right. Everything's s****. Let's just not enjoy anything eh? What are you even talking about man? People are enjoying the win, we still need to improve though and people are pointing that out. His subs are consistently s****, even worse considering he's alienated our left winger and left Mbabu back home. Adding a pointless platitude to the end of that achieves nothing, it's completely irrelevant to the point being made. Mbabus injured btw.
  2. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    They always are, utterly s*** without fail Howay man lads. Credit where it's due. At least be balanced. It's what I think. He is extremely cautious and imo makes selection mistakes week after week, be it starting 11 or subs. So no positives at all today? Just s**** in game subs eh? Lots of positives yeah, but we were only commenting on his in game choices and I agree with Mick that they aided in inviting West Ham to come onto us. I'm not even saying I disagree btw, but it isn't the first thing that springs to mind after today's great win.
  3. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    They always are, utterly s*** without fail Howay man lads. Credit where it's due. At least be balanced. It's what I think. He is extremely cautious and imo makes selection mistakes week after week, be it starting 11 or subs. So no positives at all today? Just s**** in game subs eh? Lots of positives yeah, but we were only commenting on his in game choices and I agree with Mick that they aided in inviting West Ham to come onto us. And positives to mention?
  4. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    Aye, you're right. Everything's shite. Let's just not enjoy anything eh?
  5. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    Howay man lads. Credit where it's due. At least be balanced. I did, I gave him credit for moving Gouffran, his other decisions during the game were s*** and he invited West Ham onto us. There was more than that Mick. We were absolutely class first half, everything about is was bang on.
  6. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    They always are, utterly s*** without fail Howay man lads. Credit where it's due. At least be balanced. It's what I think. He is extremely cautious and imo makes selection mistakes week after week, be it starting 11 or subs. So no positives at all today? Just shite in game subs eh?
  7. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    They always are, utterly s*** without fail Howay man lads. Credit where it's due. At least be balanced.
  8. lovejoy

    Steve McClaren

    Big win and a big performance for him. First half was superb. Well done.
  9. Nah I'd pass on Shane Long. One of those players that accumulates massive transfer fees but never really delivers anywhere other than against us? Everyone plays well against us aye, ya reet like.
  10. Nah I'd pass on Shane Long. One of those players that accumulates massive transfer fees but never really delivers anywhere other than against us?
  11. He's re writing history again. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/alan-pardew-if-can-deal-7187598
  12. Quotes from pardew today 'If I can deal with Ben Arfa, I can get adebayour playing again'. What a cunt.
  13. He loved it here as well. Fucking tragedy man, absolute fucking tragedy.
  14. You know what will happen man. We buy him, he's obertan and he'll retire here, we loan him, he's Giggs and he'll f*** us off in summer. Nailed on.
  15. Yep. Can hardly claim townsend stunting his development, being made from wet tabs is taking care of that for him.
  16. Eh? you might have already done this groo, but what type of player is he? he looks like he can hit them from distance from what ive seen, any other attributes? Leighton James got it right with the one in 5 or 6 remark, passes and games. He has the ability, it's just if he feels like it. It showed after Monk left, his problems started when the chairman Jenkins said after he reluctantly sacked Monk that he blamed the players and mentioned Shelvey in particular for not putting the effort in, after that he completely turned off, made no attempt to play. I can see him playing with enthusiasm now until the end of the season, so I would expect you'll see the best of him. He can be a game winner. Once he's settled in and it may change, especially if he has a tiff with anyone at the club from groundsman to chairman. sounds like its going to be interesting!
  17. He's done pretty well for england hasn't he? im not an avid watcher of them mind.
  18. Eh? you might have already done this groo, but what type of player is he? he looks like he can hit them from distance from what ive seen, any other attributes?
  19. Despite my cynicism about the regime from top to bottom, Aarons was one of the few promising and exciting prospects for NUFC - someone who could genuinely make it big - but unfortunately injuries and being frozen out of the first team picture in these formative footballing years will probably stop him from reaching his maximum potential. For his sake, I hope he gets loaned out or moved on. he's never fit, tbf, if he'd strung a run of games together i'd agree, but he never has and theres nowt to suggest he ever will. we cant wait on him, sadly (not saying townsend the answer but point on aarons stands)
  20. really? aarrons is never fit!
  21. playing devils advocate, but don't 'inconsistency' and 'winger' go hand in hand?
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