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Everything posted by STM

  1. Remember when a 5-1 home win was our game of the year? This has been a poor outing. Eddie Howes mags, that.
  2. Have they had a player sent off and I've missed it?
  3. So we all calm again now. We were shite first half but we are getting the job done.
  4. Wasn't anywhere near the conversation we were having though.
  5. On a positive note. Second half's at SJP always open up. We've got a couple of killers on the bench.
  6. Honestly mate. It's tragic that we keep having to repeat this. I don't bother any more.
  7. Since we have no other CM to replace Longstaff, second half change: Longstaff Bruno Gordon Isak Barnes Wilson
  8. Even more perplexed that Hall hasn't been playing more.
  9. We are much better when we show patience and move the ball around. It's the needless punts that put us under pressure.
  10. Bruno battles 3 players and Longstaff gives it away.
  11. Fair. I suppose I've seen him be a good player, which of course he is but for a side with title aspirations, is he good enough?
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