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Everything posted by STM

  1. Just got back so here goes: Given:7 Wasn't a fault for either goal, went off injured. Nobby:8 Had no help in the first half but linked up well with Milner, got an assist and a goal. Ramage:5 I'm a big fan but the lad had a shocker. His injury effectively saved our game today. Huntington:6 Looks far more comfortable at centre back. Carr:7 Had a very good game out of position. For once he took the game by the scruff of the neck in the second half and looked like one of our more commited players. Milner:9 Thats 3 in 4 i believe. This kid is turning into a man before our very eyes. Fantastic performance. Butt:6 Found a rythm eventually with Parker in the second half but never really looked dominant. Parker:6 Wasn't having a good game until he started making forward runs in the second half. O'Brien:5 Looks quick but was caught out of position a couple of times and showed a lack of confidence on the front foot. Faultless effort. Dyer:7 Again, a much better second half as the game opened up. Martins:7 Gave the ball away more than any other player but caused alot of problems with his sharp feet. Had a couple of shots saved. Subs: Edgar:7 Looked our best centre back on his arrival. Harper:6 Did what he had to. Thoughts: Sloppy defending let us down again. Some good character and forward play shown. Ferdinand would make a good partner for Taylor.
  2. I had a hug smile across my face this morning when the journal, who are normally reliable, linked us with an imminent signing. I expected to hera extra news in the ronny but suprise suprise Oliver does it again with his ITK bollocks.
  3. When Chelsea signed them two i thought they were going to be looking at this type of formation: Cech Boularouz Cavalho Terry Cole Essien Lampard Ballack Cole Robben Shevchenko Fair enough Mourinho has had injuries to key players but it was his choice to fiddle around with the formation which in my eyes is what has cost them. If Mourinho decided to revert back to his old system he could still win the title but that would be like saying he was wrong and hes too stubborn for that.
  4. STM

    Owen's future?

    Owen was never about pace he was about acelleration and the ability to react quicker than most defenders. In football it is a bonus to have physical ability such as pace, speed, strength, height or power. Micheal Owen has something which in un teachable and because of that whether he comes back with pace or not he will score goals for us.
  5. You don't think that you can see things at the match that won't be shown on telly? Like off-the-ball movement? Interesting. It doesn't mean you know more about football, but you'll certainly get a better view of what went on at that particular game. A better view of players body language, what they do when the ball is nowhere near them, whether they're interested, which players have found a lot of space for themselves, and which are stood next to their markers. At the ground you can pick the long ball before it gets played because you see the whole pitch - you also see how the receiver of the long ball found themself in that space. All stuff you can see at the match that you don't on telly. Oh yeah i agree with all of that. Plus you can also see how well the defence organises themselves. I was just pointing out that because i've seen most the players play on a regular occasion i don't need to be a the match to know how the certain players are positioning themselves. Had i not been at the ground in the first place i suppose i wouldn't have this knowledge. I like the fact that you can learn these things about players at the match but i wouldn't say i had a greater knowledge from going to games.
  6. In all honesty it's easier to see the match when you are there live at the ground because on telly you don't have the choice of what you look at. However, anyone who suggests that being a season ticket holder means you no more about football is stupid. I probably go to about half the home games and wouldn't say i pick up much more knowledge from watching it at the ground.
  7. Why do people speak about Souness as if he has shagged their mother? The guy took up the opportunity to come to our club and he tried his best and failed. No reason for personall insults on the guy.
  8. STM

    Lassana Diarra

    Its not a case of us not needing midfielders, of course we need midfielders. The problem is that we desperatly need players in other areas.
  9. Good luck Souness. Maybe this means we could get Jack Hayward as our chairman, he's excellent but ancient.
  10. STM


    If Baba and Bramble walk back into our first team i will lose all faith in Roeder.
  11. STM

    Owen's future?

    We will see two seasons of 15+ goals and numours stoppages because of injuries. Then because of his age he will lose his pace and his career will decline, us relying on him too much.
  12. STM


    I remember when he fist signed for us, some turkish guy was on here saying he had everything to be a top footballer, Tackling, shooting, passing and dribbling. Then he pointed out Emres two weakness' the fact that he had never got more than 10 goals per season and that he misses about 15 games through injury per season. He's view seemed pretty accurate to me. Should Emre work under someone like Wenger he would improve and find his place in the side. I still don't think him or Parker no whether they are attacking or defensive, which is worrying.
  13. Lucas Neill would be a great addition. He has a hot head to say the least but he'd soon help sort out our back four.
  14. I keep on forgetting the lads only 21. He been around for 5 years now and has come on leaps and bounds. He deserves his new contract and i hope he keeps on steadily progeesing. Consumate pro.
  15. Tevez is one of the few south americans that i would take a risk on. He's got high work rate and un-doubted talent. He just needs a little work done behind the scenes, lets not forget hes pretty young.
  16. What amuses me about this post us that he contradicts himself. First off he says we are not going to sign anyone then he says expect last minute freebees and loans. I'd rather they didn't piss our money away and spent it wisely. Neither Fred nor Roeder have promised us anything.
  17. STM

    Milner on the move?

    No need to change personel in midfield, especially on the wings. Defence and attack please.
  18. Steven Taylor for me is the one with the biggest talent. Like someone else said, it's up to him how far he goes because hes potentially great. Ramage has been highley underestimated so far. Everytime i have seen him play he's been the leader at the back not taylor. I don't see Ramage as potentially great but i feel when he hit's 28-29 he could be a top performer like Southgate in his later years.
  19. Given Solano Taylor Hunty Edgar Butt Patterson Dyer Milner Martins Sibierski Prediction 1-3 Martins, Sibierski and Patterson
  20. I have to be honest i'm not too fussed about signing strikers. Even though it would appear we are a little short with only Dyer,Martins and Sibers as recognised strikers we only have to last about 3 months with keeping two of them fit until Owen returns and looking even further Ameobi wil be there for next season. The one thing i don't want us to do is sign someone like Viduka, who i rate but brings no long term advantage to the club. I'd far rather give a youngster like Carroll a chance, even if that is slightly risky. In the summer i'd like to think strikers won't be a problem as we would have Martins, Owen, Dyer, Ameobi and Sibierski. Easily enough for me.
  21. In the words of football manager 2007. Wes Brown should be regarded as a definate purchase.
  22. Obviously, i hoping that we will sign someone very soon. So that they are availible after the brum game. However, we have a checkered past to say the least so i wnt for very little. The point is that none of us know but it's interesting to see how much faith we have in the people at the club. Most have roeders transfers have worked out, so i'm hoping for more of the same.
  23. Under the souness days he practically told us what he was doing. Which can be a good thing and a bad thing. Roeder likes to keep quiet but you could argue that worked against him in the last window. Do you think they are making any headway?
  24. STM


    Good post. I think its fair to point out that what people are comlimenting is the raw talent of such young players. There may be alot of tuning need done but the lads have shown more commitment and talent than Carr, Babayaro and Bramble have done for at least 2 seasons.
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