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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. I reckon that out of the 52,000 at St James roughly 30-35,000 are tone deaf (if not more). So how come all the sons (at any ground) all sound perfectly in tune? In particular I'm thinking of You'll never work again at Anfield, having worked with a lot of Anfield ST holders I know they couldn't sing for toffee, yet it sounds almost pitch perfect in the gorund
  2. Watch him go nuts if he does
  3. Milner – who is the undisputed fans favourite at Gallowgate – says he can handle the pressure of the high-octane environment of Newcastle and says the United players are determined to pick up their first three points since October 22 when City come to Tyneside. Hmmmmmmmmm
  4. Shola's a geordie and Toon fan. He doesn't exactly look like he gives 100% every time hes on the pitch
  5. You do realise the you've jinxed him now. Tomorrows Sun headline: 'ENRIQUE THINKS ALLARDYCE IS A c***, DEMANDS MOVE!' My Bad!
  6. What surprises me is the lack of misquotes from Spain over how unhappy he is about being dropped. Maybe we finally have a young player with his head screwed on and Sam has dealt with him the right way (on a man-management scale anyway)
  7. Owen out, Anelka in. Bumrazor in Maybe a centreback on the cheap If we're lucky a loan or two.
  8. Didn't the PA Guy say he was away for a couple of games?
  9. go by train - there are direct one or one change (normally at Brum ) i use them for business all the time Direct to Wigan from Toon would be an achievement (unless the routes have changed in the last 5 years.) Toon to Carlisle, then Carlisle to Wigan. Used to be about £25-30 return on a Friday Evening/Sunday journey. Be warned though, Wigan Station is possibly the worst West Coast station going, worse than Penrith even. It always rains and seems to be in a permanent wind tunnel (and watch out for Blackpool hen/stag parties getting on at Preston if you are unlucky enough to be on a Sunday) No trains on Boxing Day. Yeah, forgot that bit! Had to do Toon - Liverpool a few years back on boxing day. Very few coaches too, took about 9 hours in total, even had to go through Sunderland!
  10. It wouldn't sell newspapers or get people calling into radio stations. Hence on Thurs the usual hysteria ill raise its head again. I emailed Paul New at the Chronicle on Monday asking if there was any chance of a few positive Toon stories and perspectives from fans to try and get a positive vibe going. No reply from the man, good news wouldn't shift his rag
  11. Born in Preston Hospital (the one by Newcastle - now demolished), spent my first 11 years in Hadrians Park (Wallsend), then moved to Fourstones by Hexham, then went to Uni in Liverpool (spent 6 years there), now in Sunny South Wales. So yes I'm from Newcastle (or the near locality) but don't live there anymore. More's the pity
  12. the smoke being an oft-mocked newspaper and wannabe "ITK" fans on a message board? When you've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. oh i see. so he's definitely faking injuries and doesnt care about us. proof, not sherlock holmes quotes. any shred of proof will do. i've yet to see any official "smoke" that proves a "fire" Are you just playing along or off your tits? we can put a man on the moon but "internet sarcasm" rarely translates. But did we??
  13. Got a feeling tomorrows atmosphere could be a bit tasty at kick off. Hopefully the players will respond early on and a positive feedback loop starts
  14. 3 examples: Clive Woodward 2003 Brian Ashton 2007 Bobby Robson 1986 and 1990 In each case senior players raised concerns overe the way the team was playing and personell involved. The management agreed to work with the players to get the best out of them. The results? Rugby World Cup Winners Rugby World Cup Finalists World Cup Quarter Finalists and Semi Finalists. Another example Souness Stubborn to the last. You know how that went. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Players complaining about being away for a few days need to be brought into line, the reasoning for travelling direct to London from Wigan is sound. Players complaining about tactics anf formations not getting the best out of individuals and the team should be listened to and ideas considered, if not necessarly implemented
  15. On radio 1 news they are reporting 'player uprising' at the Toon. If 3 senior players going to see Sam is an uprising I hate to think how they would report the rise of Hitler. I would expect senior players to go and see the manager if things aren't going well, it goes with the territory of being 'senior'
  16. Would a neutral be able to get aticket on general sale the week before a 'big' derby? 5 of us at Uni did it form Everton-Liverpool and the ground wasn't full (This was Moyes Everton too). Prior to that game I had imagined the Scouse derby to be up there, not after my experience. Hoping to sample Swanse-Cardiff next season if the Swans go up.
  17. I'm not having a pop here, but NEVER refer to sunderland as a city. It might have been given the title, but it doesn't have a cathedral, and didn't have a university up until a few years ago - 2 things used to classify a city. It's a large town. And while I'm on, its obviously the Old Firm. Fair enough the fact they play each other at least 4, maybe even 5 or 6 times a season so they aren't as "special". But I've spoke to Glasweigans who have supported either club, and the sheer hatred and abuse, and stories they have about incidents with each other makes the Newcastle vs Sunderland Shields Ferry thing seem like a playfight. Having said that, I've seen Durham City vs. Bedlington Terriers, and for non-league, that was some game. Tackles flying in and even a little scuffle between fans! Hexham v Corbridge was/is pretty meaty too
  18. I agree mate, I've been in Liverpool for about half a dozen of their derbies and it is nothing like the hatred that is assosciated with the Tyne/Wear divide. People might see that as my bias but all I can say is go to both places and see for yourself. I tell you what though, one my first Saturday in Liverpool the Mancs were in town, me being little mister oblivious walk through the City Centre in my Toon shirt (keeping it real during the end of the Ruud days here!). Watched the news later and a full scale riot had broken out around about the same time I was there. Maybe Scousers and Mancs uniting agains their hatred of true Northerners.
  19. People saying Liverpool Everton have never lived in the city or been to a Derby there. Apart from a few chavs its nothing these days, was sat in the Everton end a few years abck (about 5 years ago I think) and all you could hear for the whole 90 minutes were a couple of old red boys complaining about how bad both teams and the atmosphere was. Left very disappointed with the experience
  20. Ron Roz Beye Enrique Don't see too much wrong with that tbh, relatively quick which is more important against Arsenal than strong in the air.
  21. go by train - there are direct one or one change (normally at Brum ) i use them for business all the time Direct to Wigan from Toon would be an achievement (unless the routes have changed in the last 5 years.) Toon to Carlisle, then Carlisle to Wigan. Used to be about £25-30 return on a Friday Evening/Sunday journey. Be warned though, Wigan Station is possibly the worst West Coast station going, worse than Penrith even. It always rains and seems to be in a permanent wind tunnel (and watch out for Blackpool hen/stag parties getting on at Preston if you are unlucky enough to be on a Sunday)
  22. OK, so how can we change it? By that I mean the atmosphere. We need to get articles like the above out of print and into TV/Radio. As good as True Faith is it only reaches a small audience, even replicating it on here, Toontastic, .com only increases its range slghtly. Somehow getting it onto .cock might help (and it might be something that Mike/Mort would be open to). But really people who were there and still have that burning inside them need to get onto the phone ins (local and national) and bang the drum about the positives of our support (Blackburn etc). The media now have the Toon Army as a pack of baying wolves, well Wolves are very protective of their own packs and we need to start showing this. Keegan showed what a postive momentum could do for this club, Keegan is gone but his spirit is still there, even if it is now a glowing ember. Lets get a positive outflow of Toon stories into the phone in domain, lets get the Ronnie to start a positive Spin campaign, lets get Ashley and Mort involved so we can include the match programmes and .cock, lets get all of the internet forums (fori?) together and push positive stories. In the words of Eric Cartman, the Mirror, the Guradian, The Sun. They can all suck on my balls!
  23. Was obviously just a morale-boosting trip. 'See Mike, a Champions League team shipped 4 against that lot, at least we only conceded 3'
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