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Everything posted by Lowndsy

  1. he will play often at chelsea. havent they got a RB problem?
  2. Lowndsy


    Should grow up then, the bunch of twats. i was sat up there. the boos seemed a fair distance from where i was.
  3. wasn't that the constant theme at bolton ? worked though. on a much smaller budget. doesnt mean he will do it here. might do. but he has more £ to spend here.
  4. surely hes getting people in like this as a short term fix? give us a season/two to find the next batch. rather than panic buying and spending 5-6 more mile on people etc when we dont need to
  5. that dyer pic. the baldy looks a bit like fatty patty
  6. Lowndsy

    Kieron Dyer

    You need to add Owen to that list. when fit. owen scores. so adds somethign to the team. i also feel dyer adds to the team if brought on as a sub late on in a game
  7. i got one the other week too. the yellow 1982 one
  8. was smith in the squad for man u 2nite?
  9. have you got any ideas or suggestions of ways things could be improved (what they do) or how they can make more of an impact and a better opinion on people? to take them serious? or ways of spreading the word in a less " forcing " mannor? all ideas and opinions and "constructive" critism etc goes down better than insulting them (not saying you did this is to anyone who is thinking about it) etc. if you dont like the way they do something. or think it should be done in a different way. say so rather than just having digs. you missed the point, I'm saying there isn't anything they can do to improve it theres always a way to change/improve something. its just a matter of finding out what that is and how to do it
  10. have you got any ideas or suggestions of ways things could be improved (what they do) or how they can make more of an impact and a better opinion on people? to take them serious? or ways of spreading the word in a less " forcing " mannor? all ideas and opinions and "constructive" critism etc goes down better than insulting them (not saying you did this is to anyone who is thinking about it) etc. if you dont like the way they do something. or think it should be done in a different way. say so rather than just having digs.
  11. ask things like why he aint even tried to sign baines/shorey etc when everyone knows they would do the job nicely here. ask about owen martins nzogbia..are they staying or going etc.
  12. How often do you go up the training ground, Kev? once or twice a week in the holidays why? sad c***. tbh
  13. people see the world ultras. then shut down on listening tbh. they assume its the same as the foreign style one. makes me laugh that people moan about people trying to get an atmosphere back at the ground. cant understand. gets behind the team and makes a match more worth while even if its a shhit game. i bet people like gc would actually shout and someone who sang near him. tool!
  14. unless they are allowed back up in level 7? who said they were in the corner cos they werent allowed in level 7? ... fucking idiot and yeah they will be in SE corner block D.. same as sampdoria game
  15. forgot to sky plus the bill.. what happened
  16. from where i was stood. i thought the last guy was pattison.. did about as much running as him
  17. just seen the goals against bolton. ther defence looked really slow and all over the place ,, was it first teamers or just reserves/youth?
  18. lets get the noise back and a good atmosphere. bring scarfs and flags and so on. this is sams/mort/ashleys first home game. dont let us look borin fuckas. especially with what the celtic fans are like. bring anythign u can and make some noise
  19. get in. now get some signings in mort/sam
  20. lol leave the kid alone. you were his age at some point. could of being a while ago now but you were. let him get on with it. you aint his dad so stop trying to tell him what to do and say
  21. maabye on titles put what page the new stuff is on? not that its hard to keep up like
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