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Everything posted by samag

  1. Why would they say anything to the press until they are ready ? They are hardly going to say yes its to buy Newcastle United
  2. A total lack of quailty up front on both sides . We could well be playing each other next season in the championship . Hope not of course .
  3. He was a Stoke city reserve .What were people expecting ?
  4. Just half his wages . Would be a great signing .
  5. Why wouldn't he sell the club ? Its in a mess and needs money spending on it to get it out of the mess .
  6. Thought we did ok today against one of the better sides. The lack of quailty up front is killing us though . The front two may work hard for the team but showed yet again they are totally out of their depth at this level .
  7. I have a feeling the takeover isn't going to happen. I am not convinced he really wants to sell despite what's being said, and that he's playing some game to see if someone offers a stupid amount of money with the new TV deal coming up. If he was genuine wanting to sell IMO he'd have done it by now as with each week the value of the club is just going down. Newcastle was always just a vehicle for him to peddle SD and I can't see why that has changed. Think he wants to sell . It make no sense him keeping the club. Am sure even he knows you have to invest in the club to keep it in this division and he's not prepared to do this .
  8. Whilst no excuse for his red card , the foul by the Everton player on Yedlin in the first few minutes of the game was far worse than either of his two bookings . Yet he escaped a booking.
  9. Yep i agree . We could be in for a nice January.
  10. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-12-12/westfield-lowy-family-sells-empire-for-32-billion/9250776 Frank use to run the ffa here . . He now got a spare few billion Come on Frank buy the club ?
  11. He was the only Newcastle player near him .
  12. stood at watched the lad run passed him then waited till he was a few yards infront of him before trying to run back . Sorry he was very much to blame . Where were our CM's at this point? It should not be left to number ten to run back into the box to make challenges. Can't believe he's getting blamed for it Watch the thrid goal again cannot believe people are defending him over it .
  13. stood at watched the lad run passed him then waited till he was a few yards infront of him before trying to run back . Sorry he was very much to blame .
  14. No better than Elliot . A new goalkeeper is a must in January
  15. This is a big problem. Most fans will recognise this but I fear that Ashley thinks that coming straight back up will be easy and can be taken for granted. Did he not have to lend the club money each time we went down ? Not sure he'll want to do this again .
  16. If it's the only offfer on the table it may be an attempt to see what the minimum Ashley would accept.
  17. samag

    Mikel Merino

    Wonder what Souness thinks of him now . Not that anyone cares but he was very harsh on him last week.
  18. Is there a reason why Michael Bridges would have any clue? They are friends .
  19. Not going anywhere, according to Michael Bridges on optus sports today.
  20. They own Girona too. They own Melbourne City also . So how many clubs do they own.
  21. Optus sports free here in Australia during August ?. So hopefully we get off to a good start. Think it will end in a draw.
  22. Sad news to wake up too. R.I.P Cheick Tiote.. Far far too young
  23. samag


    Agree with this, seen them a few times this season just seems no effort or passion there.
  24. Just give him back to Sunderland.
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