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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. I am everything but a Schalke fan, but how is Schalke a tiny club in comparison to Newcastle? I think the clubs have a lot in common - well except of the odd domestic and European trophy Schalke won in the last decade... They've won 1 UEFA Cup (97) and TWO INTERTOTO'S! (back to back! :icon_biggrin: )
  2. YNWA - just does my head in And players waving imaginary cards to get the opposition player sent off and rolling around in agony like they've been shot by a sniper
  3. aye give him time to settle in and get used to the English game lads
  4. san marino equalised against ireland?
  5. badge kissing ie: Duff kissing the Chelsea badge after moving from Blackburn Rovers where he did the same thing previous
  6. Good song but always going to sound bad over that $hit PA system
  7. When playing against part time teams commentators insist on mentioning the blokes job title after his name at every occasion ie: John Smith - part time post man etc etc
  8. I remember Paul Ince had the same number for the smog monsters
  9. John Barnes on C5 blatantly reading from cue cards on C5's football night (make it sound natural why don't you)
  10. people insisting on calling players Scotty Parker, Giggsy, Scholesy etc
  11. Aye, this one has me confused. But its was not a bidding war was it? Purely player preference How about trying to out muscle Boro over Huth? And if the relationship was that close, couldn't we have had a vague idea that our offer wouldn't have been enough for Viduka and saved the last minute debarcle with Milner? That was just comedy though. *Huth's mobile rings* "Ja" "Robert. Freddy Shepherd here. Listen, I was...." "You vill hev to be qvick Freddy. I am about to do mein Middlesboro signing press conference." "Oh." "Vot did you vant Freddy." "Oh.....erm.....nothing. Nothing important. Good luck with the press conference!" slight over exaggeration of the accent He's lived here since he was 15 and speaks better English than English people without the German accent :icon_biggrin:
  12. and going to the adverts seconds before kick off is about to start
  13. We are 9th. Mackems 6th Smog monsters - Div 1 The list and xxplanation of system in below link http://www.aboutaball.co.uk/html2/rankings/ranking.php
  14. used to be a laugh but now he's just a tw@t
  15. http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/1894/4992936franchiseek5.jpg
  16. would've lost count the number of times Mr Shearer would've been suspended had that had been put into action
  17. Dirk 'Cowt'? :icon_biggrin: works both ways tbf. English commentators are awful at pronoucing foreign players' names too. Some of the name attempts during the World Cup were just cringeworthy
  18. Remember Thuram and Makalele were forced to play for France Thuram: "Last year, Domenech chose to bring me back into the squad against my will too" http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=413873&CPID=219&clid=368&lid=11&title=Thuram+hits+out+at+Mourinho Makalele Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho says Claude Makelele is being treated as "a slave" by France coach Raymond Domenech. Domenech has insisted Makelele reports for Euro 2008 qualifiers against Georgia and Italy, despite the midfielder announcing his retirement. "Makelele is not a football player - Makelele is a slave," said Mourinho. Fifa rules state Makelele faces a domestic ban if he does not turn up for France and Mourinho added: "We have no chance. The rules are there." Makelele, 33, came back from retirement to help France qualify for the 2006 World Cup where he was on the losing side to Italy in the final. "He's played the biggest game you can, the World Cup final, and now wants to retire but the coach told us if he is not playing for France, he is not playing for Chelsea," said Mourinho. "We know the rules. You are a slave, you have no human rights."
  19. So when Gullitt, former Eurpean Player of the Year who has won numerous trophies including several Serie A titles and the CL twice, as well the ECs, whilst winning two trophies as manager of Chelsea, criticises Shearer, Shearer is also in the right? Exactly what i was going to say but everybody will be up in arms on here if a bad word is said about Al
  20. aye Oba's post match interviews, gets asked a question and gives an answer thats completely unrelated to the question he was asked
  21. following the Toon's complete unpredictability, wouldn't swap it for anything even though it has its ups and downs! More exciting than watching Man Yoo and the likes and their prawn munching fans when their team win every week
  22. Thats from the Soccernet report - Ghana won 4-1. hope he didnt pick up a thigh injury in training ala Carr (thankfully he did though )
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