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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. I remember when Bothroyrd had a good run in the Perugia team and the Italian newspapers were calling him the 'new Adriano' (when he was actually class) As for CZM.....the same happened to Muzzy Izzet (whose dad is Turkish) and he was like a superstar in the Turkish press (albeit temporarily)
  2. he is getting on a bit.....34 ffs
  3. Stephen Appiah from Fenerbache........seems they might let him leave too
  4. Disagree with Viana being in there.....he didnt do that bad for us. It was really only the 2nd season (where he was always shunted out on the left wing) that he didn't perform as well for us.
  5. he was only 18 or 19 when he joined Barca and just had the likes of Luis Figo (who was at his peak) and Luis Enrique ahead of him
  6. just read Real Zaragoza signed Andres D'Allesandro for a mere 2m quid! Bargain
  7. exactly, loads of people always go on about how good this player is but how many people actually watch the Turkish league regularly to make that judgement. Seem many go by youtube clips (where anyone can be made to look class) or play FM too much. People on here cream their pants everytime his name is mentioned As for Nihat. I remember exactly the same situation where loads of fans were clamouring for us to sign him. Thank fk we didn't eh
  8. LooneyToonArmy

    Wes Brown

    don't really rate Brown that much, seems to be injury prone and makes blunders every so often. I'm sure Allardyce can find someone better
  9. Not only that but Van Nistelrooy has made himself available for Sunderland. Screen capture from SSN http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/6047/skynewsbreakingpz7.jpg
  10. don't know about that, there was that minor incident with the German fans in Stuttgart (400 of ours arrested and banned) with a few other run ins
  11. would like to see him here even though he is a kunt of a player......we havent had a Batty type player since well, Batty
  12. West Ham are looking to tempt Everton striker Andy Johnson away from Goodison in an £13m deal plus the promise of £90,000-a-week wages. (Daily Mail) ridiculous!
  13. or as Citeh fans sung, Gerrard is a poor mans Barton
  14. typical Allardyce signing then
  15. read Denmark shipped 3 goals early on and the game was abandoned after a fan attacked the referee! lively game...
  16. it is the Sunday Sun after all so I wont believe the PSV story just yet (although likely)
  17. Allardyce wanted to sign him for Bolton last summer I remember......dont think he'd come here anyway considering the big clubs involved wanting him
  18. Nakamura for sure.......he did very well in Serie A and has proven he is upto the physical side of the game since being at Celtic......I think he will stay at Celtic for at least 1 more season though Top class player
  19. Benni McCarthy went awol for South Africa as well........dont know what it is with African players but it sees to be more of a common occurence with them going awol
  20. Did Sibierski sign his new contract before Allardyce arrived? I'm kinda of surprised Allardyce kept him on if not.....then again maybe he's an Allardyce type of player.....grafter and wrong side of 30
  21. Warnock is a t!t, couldn't have happened to a more deserving fella
  22. He only won four trophies in a season and he built Lyon up to where they are now. He is only dismantling as you call it, I would call it rebuilding as it is difficult to keep good players in the French league. When players like Essien etc. are snapped up they are difficult to replace in France. Kicks the arse off Sam for me, get Houllier in Fred. I wouldn't go that far......it's still Paul Le Guen's 'team' IMO
  23. Jesus christ thats insane....maybe they CAN do it.... Bring on the lawsuit by the other bottom 6. Forget the lawsuit. I think the chairmen should just fight it out. Get them all out on the pitch at Wembley, last man standing. I think Fat Freddy with his sumo wrestling physique would win that contest hands down
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