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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. yes definitely he turned out to be one of the biggest wastes of money we have wasted! bit of both tbh. It was the managers who wasted him by playing him as an out and out winger when he quite clearly wasn't
  2. The quality of goalkeepers now is $hit compared to years back, esp English keepers (we used to produce some of the best but sadly not anymore). What about Marco Amelia? Rogerio Ceni? Julio Cesar of Inter has been outstanding, Gregory Coupet (who someone also mentioned)? Alot of People on here seem only watch to the EPL or go for the usual well known keepers in the world ,like Victor Valdes? The above mentioned keepers are far better. He's a good shot stopper but poor at most of other things (even Barca fans say this)
  3. I would have liked to have seen Nobby be given the captaincy. He's captain for his country and experienced in this position. Has Nobby captained us before? I reckon he'll be a bit disappointed he hasn't had the chance if that's been the case
  4. Smoggies say Pogatetz has been better than Woodgate this season but doesn't get the recognition as all the focus is on Woodgate by the media I'd still have Drogba in there ahead of either Rooney or Martins (cue barrage of abuse).....more on the former though
  5. heard he's one of the quietest players in the squad (not saying he has to be a shouter) but not sure how effective he will be as captain.....but as someone else has pointed out , there's not many other candidates
  6. he was linked with Celtic and the Smogs before as well
  7. would like them to come up for the derby games but they'll just go straght back down again. There squad is just not good enough , the same as last time ,and I'm not sure how much money Quinn would have avail to give to Keane to strengthen the unwashed
  8. a couple years ago i don't believe there was a huge difference between Harper and Given for goalkeeping ability IMO. Back then I wasn't that bothered when Shay got injured as Harper normally put in some very solid and steady performances when he replaced him......but now it's different as most posters have pointed out, he seems to have gone backwards and I don't have the same confidence in Harper when he's behind the sticks as I used to.
  9. don't want Ashton, just seems far too injury prone
  10. all the London clubs to go down, less travel for us
  11. would've preferred both tbh but I'm greedy. :icon_biggrin: . I'm still a big fan of Kuyt, big ,strong, holds the ball up, good in the air, gives 100%. Martins has the pace and strength which is probably more of what we needed at the moment in time. I reckon GR still wanted Kuyt despite his excuses when Liverpool nipped in......he was to busy fannying about undecided . all in all we still haven't seen the best of both players which bodes well for the future
  12. Grosso was nowhere before the world cup, now being mentioned in the bracket of best left backs in the world. He played well, but come on, who's actually seen him week in week out? Same goes for Lahm. I post on Xtratime that has one of the biggest Inter forums around, according to them Grosso has been very poor for them this season, at least nowhere near his world cup form. They all went the Brazilian player Maxwell to play left back permanently as he has been recently
  13. they just trashed Gooch's Standard Liege 3-1 (who are 3rd). Still think we'll come through but best not to be too overconfident and end up out the cup
  14. looked like he had 1 too many beers at half time to me
  15. probably reservations because he's playing in the Dutch league. Could be another Kezman......*flame war*
  16. Diego Maradona's book is a great read
  17. Henry is the same on the big occasion he chokes, like CL/World Cup/Euro champs finals
  18. wont boo him. He is a tw@t but he gave 100% for us and played with his heart on his sleeve,something many current players don't have 1% of
  19. knew someone bring up the old age thing
  20. he has an Italian passport having lived there since he was 15
  21. no chance they will ban him forever. It's happened before with some of their other big name players they have had and they ended up coming back They will re-call him up when they're doing $hit in the qualifiers, their coach gets sacked and the Nigerian fans will demand to see Oba reinstated.
  22. with the same creativity and vision too
  23. According to Villareal fans he was just plain lazy this season and lacked commitment according to Pellegrini.When a player begins to think he is more important then his team these things can happen. Good article about him here http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/sport/2007/01/22/the_end_is_nigh_for_a_player_u.html And as mentioned earlier, he would be ideal for Serie A if he got his motivation back.
  24. Exactly, I wouldn't want to come here if I was them. It would be like 2 home games for Ceptic
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