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Everything posted by LooneyToonArmy

  1. Surely for a 32 year old with no major accomplishments in his footballing career (except winning the Turkish league over a decade ago) that's reverse logic? It's not like we're saying some unknown 18 year old is the next Pele based on his profile in a computer game. This is real life "accomplishments" we're talking about, and they're rather underwhelming to say the least.. shouldn't have signed shearer tbh
  2. english commentators are just boring with the predictable same old 'whatta goal' routine
  3. Yep, classier version of Bernard. Shame he got homesick in the end. and he since moved onto the likes of Leeds, Espanyol and now Olympiakos....can't get too much further away from home
  4. the same questions were raised when he was asked to play emergency right back but he aint done too bad He could possibly play 'in the hole' at a push but not as a conventional centre-mid imo. agreed ,he definitely has the ability to play in that position due to his vision to play in clever passes which we seem to lack! I don't think the EPL is suited for this type of player/formation though......esp not us when Bambi and co just punt balls upfield
  5. the same questions were raised when he was asked to play emergency right back but he aint done too bad
  6. What makes you think pool are after him? I think Pool will spend a lot to get D.Villa Will be replacing at least Fowler, Bellamy has given himself more time with that goal. they've already signed Vornonin from Bayer Leverkusen as (presumeably) Fowler's replacement
  7. Zoggy, even though his peformances have been poor when he was fit (2nd season syndrome?) Duff has just been abysmal
  8. It was 42 games then though. Not to take anything away... I think it was 'easier' to score back then as well, I think the quality of defenders has risen more especially (bar us of course ) Scoring 30 EPL goals in a season is a rarity now, not like before
  9. he looks good in a good Barca team granted, but i thought he was shyte for Mallorca at St James Pk Ronaldinho has been anonymous on many occasions for Barcelona too esp this season, and he was shyte for Paris Saint Germain (ask any PSG fan!). Not saying I wouldn't have him here like but I'd take a few players before Ronaldinho Ronaldhino is probably the main reason Barca are still top of the league this season. without him, i doublt they would be in the top 4 at the moment. fair enough but I do think people cream themselves over Ronaldinho too much
  10. he looks good in a good Barca team granted, but i thought he was shyte for Mallorca at St James Pk Ronaldinho has been anonymous on many occasions for Barcelona too esp this season, and he was shyte for Paris Saint Germain (ask any PSG fan!). Not saying I wouldn't have him here like but I'd take a few players before Ronaldinho
  11. Probably Stevie G. Can play in a variety of positions, defence,midfield or just off the striker, scores goals, has influence and normally comes up with the goods on the big occasion (Ie:FA CUp final last year)
  12. looks like Anal Oliver's back wishful thinking that we'd seen the last of him >
  13. He was valued at 5m a season or 2 back. I remember Souness wanted to sign him
  14. LooneyToonArmy

    Famous Fans

    he loves the Newcastle and he wears his Toon top at some concerts he plays. Proper Toon fan! http://www.crabsodyinblue.com/brinewcastlelive.jpg and with the Toon fans in Goal. http://www.crabsodyinblue.com/goal/1.jpg Brian: Well, I used to drink Newcastle Brown Ale... A LOT! But unfortunately the Newcastle Brown Ale is just like taking drugs, you just can't stop drinking. It's a beautiful drink, and I had to get off that. You know, it's too easy to drink that stuff. God, I love it. But now I got to watch it, as I'm getting old, and I gotta watch my stomach. I'll better keep fit. http://www.kolumbus.fi/nononsense/brian.htm
  15. LooneyToonArmy

    Famous Fans

    plastic geordie more like he supported the unwashed in his youth but now claims to support us http://sting.alfabank.com/behind_the_scenes/
  16. hope we get someone established and experienced (hard to come by I know) which is what we NEED in our defence and not yet another youngster with potential .I haven't been that impressed with him anyway tbh, esp don't want us to blow 12m quid on him ffs
  17. I watched Real Madrid at the Benabeu (Champs League game) a few seasons back when they were in their prime for 5 quid, and the seats were not in the heavens. Ridiculous how much we get charged over here but we still end up paying the prices
  18. if he keeps doing well for us as he has done, I'm sure the 'big guns' like Milan, Barca and co will be sniffing about. Lets see what Martins' reaction is then? He's already stated his love for Inter Milan having been there for 5 years, and how he misses the Italian way of life (loves Newcastle too apparently!) but just wonder what his reaction could be if they come in for him in the future
  19. How many tickets do you think will be sold? I'd be very surprised if we got more than 25k (if that) for Zulte Waragem
  20. anyone seen how good/bad Sami Ameobi is? Tomi Ameobi plays for Leeds
  21. Like Ashton but he seems worryingly too injury prone which we dont need more of. Not really a fan of Ferdinand, makes blunders like Bambi......really want to see us get an established solid defender, not another young player with potential again. Besides, this is from the NOTW, probably utter rubbish again
  22. He's a good player when fit but as I said earlier, his injuries have hindered his career alot. I think City have done well to get him on a free until the end of the season though if they can get him fit. If not and he's rubbish they can get rid
  23. are you sure it was the time when SBR contemplated selling him to Liverpool? I'm sure it was the time when Shearer got injured/or we were looking for a strike partner for Shearer and ended up with Carl Cort. Mpenza's name was definitely in the frame then. Mpenza had the potential but has had always had injury problems over the years *sigh*! http://archive.thenorthernecho.co.uk/2000/7/6/197157.html
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